Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Technology Infrastructure
The question is rather vague so not sure what other devices they loud want to share between the computers that are networked in this scenario. An enterprise level company wishes to set up a network to support several hundred business users as well as manufacturing equipment in a new building. Describe what network device or devices you would recommend they purchase and explain why. Note, you are not required to detail the media or topology utilized, but thinking about these will help you to choose and Justify your device choices.I would suggest the purchase of a rack system with two servers on large server to handle the few endured computers and users and the other to handle the manufacturing equipment. This would give them choices for backups and file sharing between one another. The servers would also help on reducing file and program redundancy among the systems. A few hundred workstations will need to be purchased as well along with any software that will be needed for daily work .I would also install a wireless feature so that the board rooms could have easier setups for laptops and meeting needs. File and print servers are typically combined on one server and perform as part of the network operating system. File and printer servers manage the storage of data and the various printers on the network. These servers regulate and monitor access to these resources. A few popular file and print servers Include: ;Microsoft Windows Server 2008 (Qualifying nonprofits can request Windows Server 2008 from Teachers Stock for a $40 administration fee. ;Mac SO X Server ;Redhead Linux Server ;Bunt Server Edition While Windows 2000 and XP operating systems have built-in file and print-server functionality, the server version of the SO gives you increased security as well as the ability to expand your network. Also, if your network consists of machines running on different platforms, you might want to investigate Samba, a free, open-source software solution that allows user s to share files among computers running Windows, Unix, and Mac. Groupware servers commonly incorporate different tools for helping users scheduling; and other operations.When used to manage email, groupware servers manage both local (within your network) and global (Internet-wide) electronic messaging. There are many examples of groupware servers, but some of the popular ones include: Microsoft Exchange Server (Qualifying nonprofits can request Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 from Teachers Stock for a $280 administration fee. ) ;Maillots Fusion In addition to the options listed above, many Linux SO distributions -? including the aforementioned Bunt -? have built-in groupware functionality. An analog value of intensity to produce the desired brightness at that point on the screen.Further, as the beam scans, the analog value changes. The video image, then, can be viewed as a time-varying analog signal. While many groupware servers offer the capability to serve an email listserv or mas s mail distribution, there are some servers that handle these tasks exclusively. Here are a few to look at: ;LISTSERV ;Lyrics ;Arrow Mailing List Server ;Mailman Also, a number of free Web-based services -? including Google Groups, Yahoo Groups, and Nonporous -? will allow your organization to set up a mass email distribution list free of charge.Setting up a network of four computer systems in my house two are up stairs and two are down stairs. I am doing this with a Links router and Ethernet cable run down through the walls of my house into each room that will have a computer networked. I am using the standard on board Ethernet connections' found on each computer; the upstairs office computer will be the one with the router that feeds off to the other three. All of these will be networked through a home server and will have a tape and hard drive backup so that documents and pictures can be saved and restored when needed.Each computer is running Microsoft Windows 7 Home and will hav e different permissions set on two of the four systems. Wireless DSL modem will be on the same computer as the router and the DSL modem will be run through the router o as to give all four systems the DDCD internet connection. I don't really need a separate router because I can use the DSL modem as a router to since it is a router as well as a modem and can except up to four network connects .Though I like to have the added security of using a standalone router which adds layers, it acts as double protection from the outside coming in. Parental settings will be applied to the one the kids will be using along with a strong firewall and antivirus program. The Ethernet cable has a barrier that shields it from interferences from outside signals ND noise though I will be adding some added protection by running the cable inside be ran the same way to ensure that the risk of interference with signal and transfer will be reduced.Identifying all network devices utilized and explain the purpo se of each in the network we have the DSL modem/router which not only provides the internet connection but also helps to network the systems. Then we have the router which Just adds a layer of security to the network and data. I am also adding a wireless printer so that all four computers will have access to print if the need arises. 13TH Technology Infrastructure unit 6 This depends on whether they have a wireless router or wired, if they have a wireless router then some internet ready televisions have wireless ability.Either way would work though running an Ethernet cable from the router into the back of the television would give the internet connect that is needed. Looking at the Viii (Voice over ‘P) I would suggest Peonage as the service carrier for phone. The phone adapter and software needed for the Viii is normally included with the purchase of Peonage A few popular file and print servers include: collaborate, including email; managing calendars and contacts; group meet ing Setting up a network of four computer systems in my house two are up stairs and two are down stairs.I am doing this with a Links router and Ethernet cable run down through the walls of my house into each room that will have a computer networked. I am using the standard on board Ethernet connections' found on each computer; the upstairs office computer will be the one with the router that feeds off to the other three. All of these will be networked through a home server and will have a tape and hard drive backup so that documents and pictures can be saved and restored when needed. Each computer is running Microsoft Windows 7 Home and will have different permissions set on two of the four systems.Wireless DSL modem will be on the same computer as the router and the DSL modem will be run through the router so as to give all four systems the DDCD internet connection. I don't really need a separate router because I can use the DSL modem as a router to since it is a router as well as a modem and can except up to four network connects . Though I like to have the added security of using a standalone router which adds layers, it acts as double protection from the outside coming in. Parental settings will be applied to a % inch PVC pipe within the walls.
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