Tuesday, November 26, 2019
5 Things You Didnt Know About Using Et Al.
5 Things You Didnt Know About Using Et Al. 5 Things You Didnt Know About Using Et Al. The phrase et al. is an integral part of many referencing systems, but it is also commonly misused in academic documents. Read on to find out more! 1. What Does Et Al. Mean? The phrase et al. is Latin for et alia, which means and others. It is therefore used in some referencing systems when there are too many authors to name in a single citation. 2. When Should I Use Et Al.? This depends on the referencing system used by your college, so remember to check your style guide! In most systems, however, it should only ever be used when you are citing a source with more than three authors. The exact number of authors required before you should use et al. varies between referencing systems. In addition, some systems only use this term for repeat citations of sources with several authors (with all authors named in the first citation). 3. Should I Use It in the Bibliography? Not usually. As above, this may depend on the referencing system youre using, but typically the only place to use et al. is in the main text of your document. This is because most referencing systems specify naming every author in the bibliography or reference list. Some systems make an exception to this rule if the work you are citing has more than six or seven authors. APA referencing, for instance, specifies listing the first six names for sources with more than seven authors, followed by an ellipsis and the final named author. For a journal article with ten named authors, then, APA would require naming the first sixth and the tenth in your reference list. You have to feel a little sorry for authors seven through nine. 4. Do I Need the Period After Al.? Yes! Al. is a shortening of alia and always needs a period to show that the word has been shortened, in the same way that we use a full stop for etc. and other Latin phrases. 5. Do I Need to Capitalize the Et? No! It is not a proper noun and would not usually appear at the start of a sentence. As such, it would be odd to capitalize it. It can be tricky to get little details like this right all the way through your essay. As such, if you want some help checking it over, just get in touch! We can help with all aspects of your work, including proofreading, formatting and checking the consistency of your references.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
The Colossus at Rhodes
The Colossus at Rhodes Located on the island of Rhodes (off the coast of modern Turkey), the Colossus at Rhodes was a giant statue, about 110 feet tall, of the Greek sun-god Helios. Although finished in 282 BCE, this Wonder of the Ancient World only stood for 56 years, when it was toppled by an earthquake. Huge chunks of the former statue stayed on the beaches of Rhodes for 900 years, drawing people around the world to marvel at how man could create something so enormous. Why Was the Colossus of Rhodes Built? The city of Rhodes, located on the island of Rhodes, had been under siege for a year. Caught up in the heated and bloody battle between the three successors of Alexander the Great (Ptolemy, Seleucus, and Antigonus), Rhodes was attacked by Antigonus’ son, Demetrius, for supporting Ptolemy. Demetrius tried everything to get inside the high-walled city of Rhodes. He brought 40,000 troops (more than the entire population of Rhodes), catapults, and pirates. He also brought a special corps of engineers that could make siege weapons specially geared to break into this particular city. The most spectacular thing these engineers built was a 150-foot tower, mounted on iron wheels, that hosted a powerful catapult. To protect its gunners, leather shutters were installed. To protect it from fireballs hurled from the city, each of its nine stories had its own water tank. It took 3,400 of Demetrius’ soldiers to push this mighty weapon into place. The citizens of Rhodes, however, flooded the area around their city, causing the mighty tower to wallow in mud. The people of Rhodes had fought back valiantly. When reinforcements came from Ptolemy in Egypt, Demetrius left the area in a hurry. In such a hurry, that Demetrius left nearly all of this weapons behind. To celebrate their victory, the people of Rhodes decided to build a giant statue in honor of their patron god, Helios. How Did They Build Such a Colossal Statue? Funding is usually a problem for such a large project as the people of Rhodes had in mind; however, that was easily solved by using the weapons that Demetrius had left behind. The people of Rhodes melted down many of the leftover weapons to get bronze, sold other siege weapons for money, and then used the super siege weapon as the scaffolding for the project. Rhodian sculptor Chares of Lindos, the pupil of Alexander the Great’s sculptor Lysippus, was chosen to create this huge statue. Unfortunately, Chares of Lindos died before the sculpture could be completed. Some say he committed suicide, but that is probably a fable. Exactly how Chares of Lindos constructed such a gigantic statue is still up for debate. Some have said that he built a huge, earthen ramp that got bigger as the statue got taller. Modern architects, however, have dismissed this idea as unpractical. We do know that it took 12 years to build the Colossus of Rhodes, likely from 294 to 282 BCE, and cost 300 talents (at least $5 million in modern money). We also know that the statue had an exterior that consisted of an iron framework covered with bronze plates. Inside were two or three columns of stone that were the main supports for the structure. Iron rods connected the stone columns with the exterior iron framework. What Did the Colossus of Rhodes Look Like? The statue was to stand about 110 feet high, on top of a 50-foot stone pedestal (the modern Statue of Liberty is 111 feet high from heel to head). Exactly where the Colossus of Rhodes was built is still not certain, although many believe it was near the Mandraki Harbor. No one knows exactly what the statue looked like. We know that it was a man and that one of his arms was held aloft. He was likely naked, perhaps holding or wearing a cloth, and wearing a crown of rays (as Helios is often portrayed). Some have guessed that Helios’ arm was holding a torch. For four centuries, people have believed that the Colossus of Rhodes was posed with his legs spread apart, one on each side of the harbor. This image stems from a 16th century engraving by Maerten van Heemskerck, which depicts the Colossus in this pose, with ships passing under him. For many reasons, this is very likely not how the Colossus was posed. For one, legs open wide is not a very dignified stance for a god. And another is that to create that pose, the very important harbor would have had to have been closed for years. Thus, it is much more likely that the Colossus was posed with legs together. The Collapse For 56 years, the Colossus of Rhodes was a wonder to see. But then, in 226 BCE, an earthquake struck Rhodes and toppled the statue. It is said that the Egyptian King Ptolemy III offered to pay for the Colossus to be rebuilt. However, the people of Rhodes, after consulting an oracle, decided to not rebuild. They believed that somehow the statue had offended the real Helios. For 900 years, huge pieces of the broken statue lay along the beaches of Rhodes. Interestingly, even these broken pieces were huge and worth seeing. People traveled far and wide to see the ruins of the Colossus. As one ancient writer, Pliny, described after seeing it in the 1st century CE, Even as it lies, it excites our wonder and admiration. Few people can clasp the thumb in their arms, and its fingers are larger than most statues. Where the limbs are broken asunder, vast caverns are seen yawning in the interior. Within it, too, are to be seen large masses of rock, by the weight of which the artist steadied it while erecting it.* In 654 CE, Rhodes was conquered, this time by Arabs. As spoils of war, the Arabs cut apart the remains of the Colossus and shipped the bronze to Syria to sell. It is said that it took 900 camels to carry all that bronze. * Robert Silverberg, The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World (New York: Macmillan Company, 1970) 99.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Literature Review on War Correspondence Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Literature Review on War Correspondence - Essay Example This is due to the agendas, styles and topics of news that female correspondents demonstrate; this is referred to by many scholars as ‘feminine’ news (Chambers et al, 2004: 2). Chambers et al (2004: 2) indicate that women’s reports â€Å"adopted a human-interest approach and were labelled as having a women’s angle†. Nevertheless, Akers (1988: 2) argued that male and female reporters write similar stories. Male correspondents also wrote ‘human interest’ stories. In the field of broadcasting, a growing number of women are being sent to war zones to cover conflicts so as to highlight the â€Å"drama of reporting in a market-driven profession†(Chambers et al, 2004: 197). For example, in 2011 Lara Logan was sexually assaulted in Cairo by violent mobs when she was conducting a live interview in front of the camera. Logan commented: â€Å"I was more afraid of being raped than shot†(quoted in Eagar, 2011). Manyon (2001: 16) sugge sts that the physical charms of Lara Logan are to her advantage, but these physical features would not help her when reporting in a war zone; professional skills (self-protection and journalistic skills) are the key advantages when doing reporting during a war. Therefore, there are some differences between female and male correspondents in terms of news writing style, gathering news and also in physiology in a war zone. The aim of the research is to investigate the difference of news writing styles (content) and news gathering between female and male war correspondents to do with war coverage. I will also explore the advantages and disadvantages of female correspondents on news writing and gathering news in war zones. I will explore the benefits and drawbacks of the female war correspondents so as to give a clear view for female correspondents to maximize their goodness and minimize their abuse and create higher quality reporting on war coverage. I will also make contributions for n ews agencies to hunt the appropriate journalists in a suitable place. Moreover, this also helps to the public to pay more attention to female war correspondents. In addition, the research is going to study the efforts of the media. Gender aspects play an important role in journalism studies, no matter whether from a positive or negative perspective. 2.2 Significance Journalism should always be faithful and objective when expressing the nature of delicate matters. However, can journalists and news editors really conduct news editing without becoming emotionally involved? Everyone has a different writing style that is unique to them. News writing by nature is very personalized. Journalism writing is related to character, race and gender factors. This research believes that journalism has been combined with ideology. Nowadays, post-modern feminists claim that women and men should be seen equally in all aspects of society. They that believe woman can take all kinds of responsibil ities that were usually taken by men. They also claim that the payment for work shall be same between men and women. However, in journalism there are some differences between men and women, particularly in news writing and news gathering procedures. This research retorts the viewpoint of the average post-modern female. For the literature review, I will give a brief introduction and background about the topic in general. Secondly, I will give a critical
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Nestle Global Strategy Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Nestle Global Strategy - Research Paper Example All the more as of late, the organization has been one of the essential focuses of the worldwide development against the packaged water industry. The organization's hardline work relations practices in poor nations have made it a lowlife in the eyes of the worldwide union movement (Mattera, 2007). Nestlà ©Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s Strategy What is Transitional Strategy? It is the methodologies and mediations used to work with individuals who are making a move from a transient program towards a maintainable occupation. Settle receive the move method that holds the component of worldwide institutionalization procedure and confinement methodology to work its organization by the 21st century. By utilizing the transnational methodology, Nestle likes the ease through economies of scale and offers distinctive item to diverse advertises with high neighborhood responsiveness so as to safeguard its old showcases in the advanced markets and search for potential development in rising markets. Settle utilize this technique to operation its business in the improving scene in Asia, Eastern Europe, and Latin America to improve parts and preparing engineering to neighborhood conditions and afterward utilizing a brand name reverberates mainly as the social propensities contrast in diverse countries. For example, Brief Case Study: Nestle has taken as much as 85 percent of the market in Mexico, 70 percent of the market for soups in Chile, 66 percent of the market for powdered milk in the Philippines. Besides, Nestle hired local singer to promote its goods in Nigeria, Planning of a delivery mechanism to increase efficiency in the China East, and the use of local material and majoring on local demand such as make ice cream in Dubai. Nestle focus on increasing profitability by customizing the firm' products so that it provides a good match to tastes and preference in different nation. Customization instead of globalization is the star to Nestle’s strategy in emerging markets. Modes of Entering Exporting What is Exporting? It is processing products in one nation and offering them in an alternate nation. This section alternative permits an organization to make the minimum number of progressions regarding its item, its association, and even its corporate objectives. Host nations normally don't like this practice in light of the fact that it gives less nearby job than under elective method of section. Indirect exporting is the point at which a firm offers its locally handled products in an outside nation through a middle person. It has the minimum measure of responsibility and danger yet will most likely furnish a proportional payback benefit. It is perfect for an organization that has no abroad contacts however needs to market abroad. Direct exporting is the point at which a firm offers its locally processed merchandise in an outside nation without go-betweens. Settle gets included in immediate exporting when they accept their volume of bargains will be sufficiently extensive and simple to acquire with the goal that they don't require mediators (Inking, 2013). An example is, the company will begin exporting Coffee Mate to markets beyond Asia this year, including South Africa, Turkey and West African countries such as the Ivory Coast (Campbell, 2013). Licens ing Under licensing, Nestle offers the right to a trademark, patent, exchange mystery, or other comparatively esteemed things of savvy property
Sunday, November 17, 2019
African American Contributions to American History Essay Example for Free
African American Contributions to American History Essay In today’s society there are many people living in poverty. All across America there are different projects and reservations where the less fortunate reside. Statistics show that mostly minorities live in these different locations. Native Americans and African Americans are two of the more popular races living in these places. The group suffering the most in these situations is the youth. Although both Native American and African American children living on a reservation or in the projects experience a terrible community, have little to no faith, and a broken family structure, African American youth living in the projects have it worse than Native American children living on a reservation. First, one of the most common living situations for less fortunate African Americans is in the projects. A project is a public living environment that is government owned. Although these buildings are government owned they are far from nice looking. Most of the buildings have no windows, are run down, dirty, and old. The government’s main goal is to maintain affordable housing not to make them the best looking homes in town. The projects aren’t a good environment for a child to be raised. Throughout these neighborhoods different gangs can be found. These gangs are built to defend the different areas in the projects. The gangs bring major violence to the area and are one of the main causes of death. At a young age children join these gangs and are raised to be violent. Many of them decorate the buildings they are living in with graffiti expressing their gang colors, symbols, or motto. In contrast, while Native American youth also live in poor housing, the environment is safer than the projects. A reservation is an area set aside for a specific type of land use or activity, or for use by a particular group of people, mostly Native Americans. Similar to the projects, houses on a reservation are old, beat down, and dirty. The houses on a reservation are government owned as well. Although these two locations are very similar they also differ. The reservation is a safer place then the projects. On the reservation there is a couple cases of mild violence but they aren’t as severe as the violence in the projects. Therefore, the reservations environment is a better environment than the projects. Secondly, many of the young people have no faith growing up in the projects. A lot of them believe their only way out of the projects is to become a basketball or football player or to become a top selling rap artist. At as young as sixteen years of age most African American males end up in jail, deceased, or selling drugs. A lot of them are also lead to believe that if they don’t do what every other man on the streets is doing, then they won’t make it anywhere in life. On the reservation the kids believe their only way out is to become NBA players or â€Å"powwowers†. Powwower’s are traditional Native American cheerleaders or dancers. Much like the African Americans growing up in the projects, the life expectancy rate for those living on a reservation is in the mid forties. Considering that both of these locations are in the United States mid forties is very young of age. Many of these people don’t live very long because they don’t have enough money to take care of themselves as well as their families. They also aren’t able to live a healthy lifestyle which shortens their days. Death is common in the two locations which leaves these two young groups wondering what’s beyond the age forty. Lastly, family structure is very important in a household. In the projects many of the homes lack a very strong family structure. Children growing up in the projects nine times out of ten don’t have both parents in the home. Most of them are drug dealers, alcoholics, prostitutes, or doing any and everything to try and provide for the child. Although these parents are trying to provide for their children a lot of the time they are also on welfare. Moreover, these children’s parents aren’t ever around, they sometimes go days without having anything to eat. Many of the young men follow after the footsteps of their father, older brother, or uncles which is why this cycle has continued for so long. Native Americans typically stick together as a unit. According to Sherman Alexie, an award winning author who grew up on a reservation, â€Å"Native American children are taught to be suspicious of Caucasian people. †Native Americans teach this to their children because there are many people in America that are against minorities and believe that just because they are the majority they’re better. A lot of the parents on a reservation go from job to job not being able to keep one job for a long period of time. Many of these parents are also alcoholics. On the other hand, some of these families on these reservations are very family oriented unlike the African American families in the projects. These Native American families have up to seventeen family members living in one house. They keep their families very close and are very supportive of one another rather then being against each other like African Americans. The parents watch over their children to make sure they don’t go down the wrong path in life. Although these families are experiencing hard times they cheer each other up and manage to smile every once in a while. Therefore, the Native Americans family structure is stronger then African Americans. In conclusion, Native American youth living on a reservation have it better then African American youth living in the projects. Both of these minorities are going through some hardships. From alcoholic parents to not having anything to eat they both are suffering as young children. Native American families provide a safer living environment, work harder, and look after one another, where as African Americans are against one another, on the streets all day, and are strongly associated with violence. As the years go on these families are hoping that the government will separate people in the projects and those living on reservations and provide them both with a better living situation. If these environments are separated the United States will be one step closer to eliminating violence in America.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Mary Crow Dog in the American Indian Movement :: essays research papers
During the American Indian Movement, many Native Americans tribes came together as a unit and fought against the injustices that were thrust upon them by American governmental polices. The fact that many Native people were ?whitemanized? through Christianity and other things that such as boarding school played a role in shaping Native peoples identity. However, the involvement in the American Indian Movement shaped the identity of Mary Crow Dog by making her accept who she was ?an Indian woman, and by making her more willing to fight for the rights of Native Americans. Before joining the American Indian Movement, Mary Crow Dog was forced into boarding school and she questioned her identity many times. For instance, she said that as a young girl she wanted to know who she was because her skin was very light. Because of this she wanted a to lay out in the sun so that she could become a real skin Indian. She questioned her Indian identity because her father was white and also because she was a ?iyeska.? This meaning a half blood Indian and as a result she was looked down upon by white people and full bloods Indians. When Mary Crow Dog joined the American Indian Movement, her outlook on life as an Indian changed because she accepted who she was and she was proud of being and Indian as well. She held on to her old religion and she participated in old Indian traditions such as Ghost dancing. She also went back to using medicine man and peyote roadman. In her point of view ?holding on to her own religion was one way of resisting a slow death of the Indian culture that was being perpetuated by the white man. In addition, she stated that to be an Indian she had to go to the full bloods and listen to what they had to say. This is because the full blood was humble and they had hearts. Another thing that allowed Mary Crow dog to accept who she was, was the fact that AIM brought a lot of different tribes together and they all fought collectively against White America. One of the most important things that the American Indian Movement did for Mary Crow dog was it made her more willing to fight for Indian rights. For example, she protested in Washington with AIM and she was part of the native people that took over the Bureau of Indian Affairs building.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Technology Infrastructure
The question is rather vague so not sure what other devices they loud want to share between the computers that are networked in this scenario. An enterprise level company wishes to set up a network to support several hundred business users as well as manufacturing equipment in a new building. Describe what network device or devices you would recommend they purchase and explain why. Note, you are not required to detail the media or topology utilized, but thinking about these will help you to choose and Justify your device choices.I would suggest the purchase of a rack system with two servers on large server to handle the few endured computers and users and the other to handle the manufacturing equipment. This would give them choices for backups and file sharing between one another. The servers would also help on reducing file and program redundancy among the systems. A few hundred workstations will need to be purchased as well along with any software that will be needed for daily work .I would also install a wireless feature so that the board rooms could have easier setups for laptops and meeting needs. File and print servers are typically combined on one server and perform as part of the network operating system. File and printer servers manage the storage of data and the various printers on the network. These servers regulate and monitor access to these resources. A few popular file and print servers Include: ;Microsoft Windows Server 2008 (Qualifying nonprofits can request Windows Server 2008 from Teachers Stock for a $40 administration fee. ;Mac SO X Server ;Redhead Linux Server ;Bunt Server Edition While Windows 2000 and XP operating systems have built-in file and print-server functionality, the server version of the SO gives you increased security as well as the ability to expand your network. Also, if your network consists of machines running on different platforms, you might want to investigate Samba, a free, open-source software solution that allows user s to share files among computers running Windows, Unix, and Mac. Groupware servers commonly incorporate different tools for helping users scheduling; and other operations.When used to manage email, groupware servers manage both local (within your network) and global (Internet-wide) electronic messaging. There are many examples of groupware servers, but some of the popular ones include: Microsoft Exchange Server (Qualifying nonprofits can request Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 from Teachers Stock for a $280 administration fee. ) ;Maillots Fusion In addition to the options listed above, many Linux SO distributions -? including the aforementioned Bunt -? have built-in groupware functionality. An analog value of intensity to produce the desired brightness at that point on the screen.Further, as the beam scans, the analog value changes. The video image, then, can be viewed as a time-varying analog signal. While many groupware servers offer the capability to serve an email listserv or mas s mail distribution, there are some servers that handle these tasks exclusively. Here are a few to look at: ;LISTSERV ;Lyrics ;Arrow Mailing List Server ;Mailman Also, a number of free Web-based services -? including Google Groups, Yahoo Groups, and Nonporous -? will allow your organization to set up a mass email distribution list free of charge.Setting up a network of four computer systems in my house two are up stairs and two are down stairs. I am doing this with a Links router and Ethernet cable run down through the walls of my house into each room that will have a computer networked. I am using the standard on board Ethernet connections' found on each computer; the upstairs office computer will be the one with the router that feeds off to the other three. All of these will be networked through a home server and will have a tape and hard drive backup so that documents and pictures can be saved and restored when needed.Each computer is running Microsoft Windows 7 Home and will hav e different permissions set on two of the four systems. Wireless DSL modem will be on the same computer as the router and the DSL modem will be run through the router o as to give all four systems the DDCD internet connection. I don't really need a separate router because I can use the DSL modem as a router to since it is a router as well as a modem and can except up to four network connects .Though I like to have the added security of using a standalone router which adds layers, it acts as double protection from the outside coming in. Parental settings will be applied to the one the kids will be using along with a strong firewall and antivirus program. The Ethernet cable has a barrier that shields it from interferences from outside signals ND noise though I will be adding some added protection by running the cable inside be ran the same way to ensure that the risk of interference with signal and transfer will be reduced.Identifying all network devices utilized and explain the purpo se of each in the network we have the DSL modem/router which not only provides the internet connection but also helps to network the systems. Then we have the router which Just adds a layer of security to the network and data. I am also adding a wireless printer so that all four computers will have access to print if the need arises. 13TH Technology Infrastructure unit 6 This depends on whether they have a wireless router or wired, if they have a wireless router then some internet ready televisions have wireless ability.Either way would work though running an Ethernet cable from the router into the back of the television would give the internet connect that is needed. Looking at the Viii (Voice over ‘P) I would suggest Peonage as the service carrier for phone. The phone adapter and software needed for the Viii is normally included with the purchase of Peonage A few popular file and print servers include: collaborate, including email; managing calendars and contacts; group meet ing Setting up a network of four computer systems in my house two are up stairs and two are down stairs.I am doing this with a Links router and Ethernet cable run down through the walls of my house into each room that will have a computer networked. I am using the standard on board Ethernet connections' found on each computer; the upstairs office computer will be the one with the router that feeds off to the other three. All of these will be networked through a home server and will have a tape and hard drive backup so that documents and pictures can be saved and restored when needed. Each computer is running Microsoft Windows 7 Home and will have different permissions set on two of the four systems.Wireless DSL modem will be on the same computer as the router and the DSL modem will be run through the router so as to give all four systems the DDCD internet connection. I don't really need a separate router because I can use the DSL modem as a router to since it is a router as well as a modem and can except up to four network connects . Though I like to have the added security of using a standalone router which adds layers, it acts as double protection from the outside coming in. Parental settings will be applied to a % inch PVC pipe within the walls.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Communication Skills for Health Professionals Essay
Introduction Communication skills are important for health professionals because they deal with different situations and people every day. Furthermore, an example to use the appropriate communication is when the professional has to give bad news of an unfavourable diagnostics. For instance, the dentist to give the diagnostics of oral cancer for their patient, this situation is necessary to have correct communication to do the treatment and to give the correct support for their patient such as empathy and touch. Body Firstly, most of people who seek a professional health is because they are in unfarovable health condition and need special care. Also, it is very common in dental treatment because many people feel afraid when to go the dentist. It is proved that many of them feeling very anxious when they go to a dental treatment (Cockburn and Walters).Principally, in unfavourable diagnostics, for example oral cancer. In this context, the health professional have ability to provide the appropriate communication such empathy. For professional to be empathy is very important for all principally in bad news that involves patient and sometimes to their family fully to give information and to help continuing the treatment.(Mundada, 2012). A patient with an unfavourable diagnostics need of feel comfortable on various parameters and the empathy as communications is very helpful like dealing with your anxiety, expectations for your family can follow the treatment. The empathy interferes On impacts of the t reatment procedure and the expectations of what will be the treatment. This type of communications is extremely important in case the conversation, clarify doubts and speak as will be the treatment for the patient to be aware of what can happen and not have unexpected reactions. Secondly, it is very important factor and has a good ability of communication such as touch because it helps to support psychological care during treatment. Sometimes many doctors have difficult to deal with kind of situations such as painful, physical suffering impending death and bereavement (Cockburn and Walters, 1999). Also, it is known that many undergrade students are not trained in communications skills and many medical schools do not insist in this subject. Its represents the lack of touch in a long time (Cockburn and Walters, 1999). The communication such as touch in the treatment sometimes is difficult to many doctors because they attend many people in the same day and they will have this situation for a long time.(Cockburn and Wlaters,1999) that occurs common factor and many times it is interfere in the patient treatment because they do not have the adequate type of this. Principally, with bad diagnostics that usually is not expected for anyone. One of the most difficult tasks for some doctors is to break bad news to a patient, such as a diagnosis of cancer. (Cockburn and Waterls, 1999) That may causes stress, familiars problems, emotional factors. The most appropriate commination skills is helpul to create a field to the patient feel comfortable and freely to do the procedure and touch in extremely important in this situation. The most important factor for the communicate is with professionalism and use the communication that can better confidence and quality of care in the patient.(Mundada,1992).Its helps the patient expects dentists to listen and understand their needs.(Mudunda,1992). Conclusion Take everything into account communications skills are essential for all health professionals. Sometimes, in medical schools this subject in not trained to undergrade (Cockburn and Walters). Also, lack of communication can interfere the patient treatment principally when is necessary give bad news that involves many emotional problems such as psychological and anxiety. Obviously, the professional cannot support all problems to their patient but give the appropriate support with professionalism and empathy and touch good cues of communication and it help the professionals to have a great impressive and attend the necessity of their patients.(Mundada and Walters). Reference: Annette Hannah, Ph.D.; C. Jane Milliamp, Ph.D.; Kathryn M.S. Ayers, M.D.S. A Communication Skills Course for Undergraduate Dental Students. Journal of Dental Education. Volume 68, Number 9 J. Cockburn and W. A.W. Walters. Communication between doctors and patients. Current Obstetrics & Gymecology (1999) 9, 34400 1999 Hat-court Brace & Co. Ltda. Mundada,Vikek. Effective communication skills and professionalism for better dentistepatient relationship. Indian Journal of Dentistry 2012.July e September Volume 3, Number 3; pp. 182 e 183.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Study Guide
Study Guide Study Guide- Test 2 Essay Study Guide Test 2 – Chapters 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 Know the following definitions: Job analysis * Include duties, responsibilities, skills, knowledge required, outcomes, conditions under which the worker must operate, and other factors. * The core of everything that HR does in an organization. Workflow design * Job description * List of the tasks, duties and responsibilities that a job entails. * Helps the employee to understand what is expected of them in their job * Is not all inclusive, usually contains the phrase â€Å"and other duties as assigned†to prevent employees from â€Å"But that’s not part of my job†Compressed workweek * Work four 10- hour days each week and then have 3 day weekend, or work 80 hours in nine days with extra day off every other week Downsizing * Process of terminating employees, usually due to some business downturn or perhaps a technological change Recruiting * The first step in matching actual employees with specific jobs. * Recruiting is the process of creating a reasonable pool of qualified candidates for a job opening. The total labor market can be worldwide. Job specifications * the qualifications of a person who should be capable of doing the job tasks as noted in the job description. * List of the knowledge, skills and abilities (KSAs) that an individual must have to perform the job. Flextime * Scheduling policy that allows employees to choose starting and ending work hours. May have set core hours. Job posting * The process of communicating information about a job vacancy * Listed on company bulletin boards, in employee publications, corporate intranets, newspapers, professional publications, social media sites and other internet job boards Selection * The process of choosing the best qualified applicant for the job. Selection begins with the candidates identified through recruitment * The process of choosing the best-qualified applicant required for a job. Hire for fit. Form I-9 * Requires the employee to submit acceptable documents proving their right to work in the United States. * The Immigration Reform and Control Act requires employers to obtain an I-9 form from the employee within 3 days of them beginning work. Training * the process of teaching employees the knowledge, skills and abilities (KSAs) necessary to perform a job. Employee development * Ongoing education to improve knowledge and skills for present and future jobs within the organization. * Focuses more on the skills needed in order to move into higher-level jobs. * Formal education – to provide a specific set of information about a particular subject. Can be provided for every level of individual in an organization. Can consist of workshops or longer more intensive programs. * Experience based program – subjects an employee to a number of different types of job-related experiences over time. Could include promotion, demotion, transfer, or job rotation. * Assessments – provide individuals with information about how they think, how they interact with others, and how they manage their own actions and emotions. Used largely to assess management potential. Performance management * the process of identifying, measuring, managing, and developing the performance of human resources with the overall intention of improving the organization’s effectiveness. Performance appraisal * the ongoing process of review and evaluation of individual’s past performance with the intent to identify strengths and weaknesses of the performance and to identify developmental goals 360 degree evaluation * ADVANTAGE: employees receive the widest possible range of feedback and the appraisal is less likely to be skewed by one person in the event of a personality clash or favoritism. * DISADVATAGE: of this system is its scope. With many people involved, the system becomes costly and time-consuming to administer Know the
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
A Few Rounds About Bullet Lists
A Few Rounds About Bullet Lists A Few Rounds About Bullet Lists A Few Rounds About Bullet Lists By Mark Nichol Before reading this post you might wanna check one we published a while ago titled 7 Rules For Formatting Lists. Heres a quotation from it: The items in unnumbered lists are often preceded by dots or other symbols known collectively as bullets, though such markers are technically not necessary, especially in a recipe or a materials list. (In those cases, it’s implicit that the ingredients or components are added or constructed in the order listed - it’s actually a numbered list that needs no numbers.) A bullet list lets you display a set of terms, phrases, or statements clearly. prevent reader fatigue or confusion in the form of a long run-in list in a sentence. avoid repetition by following an introductory phrase with â€Å"fill-in-the-blank†list items. Keep these guidelines for constructing bullet lists in mind: If each of the items in a bullet list completes a sentence begun with an introductory phrase, the first letter of the first word of each item should be lowercase, and the last word should be followed by terminal punctuation (a period, question mark, or exclamation point), as in the preceding bullet list. The format in the previous list, however, is not recommended for items consisting of less than a few words, unless listing multiple items as a run-in list in a sentence would produce a ponderously long sentence. If all list items are complete sentences, they should follow an introductory statement ending with a colon, as in this bullet list. If all list items are incomplete sentences, they can follow an open introductory phrase or one ending with a colon; in the latter case, the first letter of the first word in each item should be uppercase. The first letter of the first word of each complete sentence should be uppercase, and complete sentences should include terminal punctuation. All items in a list should have the same format a word a phrase, or a complete sentence and should follow the same grammatical structure. If every item in a list begins with the same word or phrase, try to incorporate the word or phrase into the introductory phrase or statement, then delete it from the list items. Avoid creating a bullet list in which one or more items consist of very long sentence or more than one sentence; if this is the case, it’s better to use traditional sentence form. A bullet list with a closed introductory phrase and whose items are single words should be formatted as follows: apples bananas cherries Likewise, a bullet list with a closed introductory phrase and whose items are short phrases should be formatted as follows: personal identification number automated teller machine liquid-crystal display The following elements are superfluous in a bullet list with an introductory phrase ending in a colon: A comma after each item A semicolon after each item The word and or or following a comma or semicolon in the penultimate item A period following the last item A bullet list preceded by an open-ended introductory phrase may but need not include a semicolon (not a comma) after each item; the word and or or following the semicolon in the penultimate item (optional); and a period following the last item. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Style category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Using "a" and "an" Before Words20 Words Meaning "Being or Existing in the Past"Running Errands and Doing Chores
Sunday, November 3, 2019
EvidenceBased Practice Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
EvidenceBased Practice - Coursework Example The open-ended questions are useful where the researcher is not aware of the expected responses and are a characteristic of the qualitative research (Houser, 2013). Reliability is the concern seeking to address the issue of stability and consistency. Tools and other instrumentations need to project stable and consistent results when the research or experiment gets repeated over time. In research, reliability is the condition through which a measurement process yields this consistency in the scores received given there are no changes in phenomenon over repeated measurements. Reliability is essential in that the results attained depict the actual measures affecting a particular phenomenon. In that case, the researcher can prescribe the best remedy and make a conclusion regarding the issue under consideration (QMSS, n.d). Researchers need to ensure that instrumentations are reliable before relying on the information from this hardware in reach a conclusion. High levels of reliability reduce measurement errors and in the case actual effects of an intervention get identified. To achieve reliability then the researcher needs to consider the calibration especially in the measure of non-physiologic characteristics in the instrumentation and between raters (Houser,
Friday, November 1, 2019
Does Third Cinema Still Exist or Has Already Died Essay
Does Third Cinema Still Exist or Has Already Died - Essay Example The term ‘Third Cinema’ was coined by in the 1960s by two filmmakers from Argentina: Fernando Solanas and Octavio Getino. In 1968, after jointly directing a film: La Hora de los Hornos (Hour of the Furnaces), Solanas and Getino wrote their manifesto known as hacia un tercer cine (towards a third cinema). There the authors had identified three categories of cinema: the First, the Second and the Third World Cinema. The Third Cinema is a form of opposition to the film making institutions of the dominating nations of the world. For this reason, it has also been described as ‘militant cinema’. The Third Cinema is defined by its director’s conception of the world. It is not determined by the genre of the film or any particular political viewpoint expressed by the cinema. This kind of cinema first flourished in the 1960s. This was precisely the time when many colonized countries were rising in protest in the form of their National Liberalization Struggle aga inst their western colonial powers. During this period, a group of film makers from the third world countries started making a new king of cinema. These were dynamic and politically stimulating films that represented the way of life and the political resistance in these less developed nations. Though these films were made on a variety of different themes, they were very different from contemporary western cinema. The directors of the Third Cinema wanted to provide expressions to the dissatisfied citizens of the third world countries who were already voicing their opinions on the economic and political exploitations of the western powers. Third Cinema provided the platform where people were allowed to argue, struggle and make experimental films which were a contrast to the usual entertaining cinema that was popular around the world. Solanos and Getino in their manifesto (1969) stated: â€Å"In the dependent countries, third cinema is a cinema of decolonization, which expresses the w ill to national liberation, anti-mythic, anti-racist, anti-bourgeois and popular†.     Â
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