Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Did God Create The World or was it Created by Chance?
Numerous nonbelievers contend that strict devotees have daze confidence ,however does it not take daze confidence to accept that DNA and cells were made by some coincidence. The DNA is too confused to even consider having recently been made by some coincidence. Think about the word reference, on the off chance that I told somebody that I thought the word reference was made by chance more than billions of years prior you would think I was crazy. Recollect the second law of Thermodynamics-High Complexity rises to low Entropy and Low Complexity approaches high entropy. This implies the more mind boggling something is the more sorted out it will be. So first and foremost there was low multifaceted nature so more likely than not implied high entropy or bedlam, well at that point how was the earth made with such low intricacy and such minimal evident disorder. Likewise how does a DNA get made by some coincidence on the off chance that it originates from nothing. Quite a while back magnifying lens were futile and when you took a gander at a cell you would simply observe a mass. It could be anything but difficult to believe that this mass stopped unintentionally. Which drives me to my subsequent point by what means would something be able to be made from nothing. At the outset there was nothing and now as per numerous researchers there is everything. By all that I mean the earth and the universe. In living cells the impetuses are chemicals. During the 1980s there was another sort of chemical discovered, this was the RNA particle. The RNA particle (which is additionally a bearer of hereditary data and an impetus) or ribozyme accelerated the creation of the essential DNA and protein. However, in any event, including this expecting a ribosome is 300 nucleotides in length and each nucleotide has 4 sorts of various nucleotides on it the count would 4^300 which is a number very incredible to have taken even 13 billion years to do not to mention 4. 54 billion years. Others other than creationist don't accept the Big Bang. A few people who need to deny God may state the ‘Intelligent Design Theory’ which states cells need a fashioner they are dreadfully intricate to have happened arbitrarily. Consider it along these lines ‘Darwin’s Black Box’ which is a minuscule machine which was made to move the little flagellum somewhat took numerous years to make and was mind boggling it ought to be considerably harder to make everything else in the bacterium and to state it was made by chance would be over the top. Adversaries to Intelligent Theory Design theorize that there is a group of universes; more than our own recognizable universe. On the off chance that our universe were one occurrence in a populace of bombed universes, at that point the way that our own is tweaked forever would not be astonishing. On the off chance that this was valid however and there were an unbounded measure of universes then that implies the sky is the limit. For instance in one universe there could be a real Easter Bunny living with a real Father Christmas. So if this multiverse hypothesis were to be valid and there were numerous other equal universes then that would leave a much more serious issue. Where right? How would we realize we are the ‘perfect’ planet. In the event that this universe is adjusted and that is the motivation behind why we are 19. 6 million kilometers from the sun or why gravity is definitely not somewhat more noteworthy so the stars don’t become red-smaller people. On the off chance that they were red-smaller people they would have been too cold to even consider supporting life-bearing planets. The remainder of the planets are unfit for human life and this shows how one of a kind the earth is which I accept more likely than not taken a maker. Time is the maker of everything Well this is the way it works we ponder internally nothing is inconceivable, so the unthinkable become plausible. The likely at that point turns into certain and the certain becomes reality. Unconstrained Generation is the hypothesis that life originated from inorganic materials however was refuted by Louis Pasteur. He composed that you would require a parent cell to make another cell, it can't simply be shaped simply like that. Any individual who puts stock in unconstrained age have been cheated by their own ineffectively led tests. Agnostic like to hear that life originated from inorganic substances rather than a maker or marvel. This bodes well since agnostics accept that the universe only ‘popped’ into reality. Brief nothing, one minute from now everything. The earth likewise needed to have been find tuned from the snapshots of its origin for it to have the option to support life. What's more, nothing was living in the first place so there couldn’t have been any parent cell. This is thought of as Abiogenesis which the procedure by which living life forms are made from non-living things. This is clearly false on the grounds that there are no living things on earth that have originated from non-living things. For what reason does science not know where the feathered creatures and butterflies move to? For what reason would we say we is need maps and helps to assist us with flying our planes? Why a butterfly can travel to somewhere it needs to get with no guide? Creepy crawlies are extremely far down the transformative time scales. How does the most exceptionally advanced life structures not have the capacities of a basic butterfly. There are numerous things in nature we can't duplicate or enhance. Things in nature are supposed to be the result of possibility and time. Well what is time? What amount does it gauge? What does it comprise of? Time isn't a thing. Time is a non-being. So you can add time to assist you with making sense of the Big Bang Theory yet at long last what existed first ,time or matter? Will time exist without issue? Things in nature are simply too excellent to even think about being the result of a goliath, irregular, counter-intuitive implosion. So as per skeptics, on the off chance that we leave possibility and time to accomplish its work on our PCs ,will they simply turn into the most high-flying, stunning bit of packs ever? NO, obviously not. Feathered creatures can do a wide range of things,fly topsy turvy, land on a dainty bit of wire. Why can’t a plane move just as a winged creature. In the event that the winged creature just dropped by chance definitely we could accompany something obviously superior to that. In 1953 Stanley Miller went a flash through a picked blend of gases. What he discovered changed science for eternity. The gasses shaped amino-acids. Amino acids which are the primary fixings in proteins. Proteins are what make up the majority of our body. In truth amino acids do interface up together to shape proteins however that resembles saying blocks will meet up to frame a house . You would be missing significant pieces of the house like an entryway and a restroom. This is the equivalent for proteins ,they are excessively mind boggling to have been made simply utilizing amino acids. A few people additionally accept that there was an extraordinary protein which collected itself by chance in a prebiotic situation. Prebiotic is the general term to allude to synthetic compounds that instigate the development or action of miniaturized scale living beings. Twofold Thinkers are likewise another kind of hypothesis. The conviction God helped start advancement and the world. To Double Think really implies the acknowledgment of opposite conclusions or convictions simultaneously, particularly because of political teaching. Taking everything into account everything can’t start from one purpose of commencement brimming with nothing. The Multiverse Theory is excessively extraordinary and insane. To state that there are billions of different universes where something unimaginable in this universe is conceivable in another ,is too ridiculous to even think about evening consider. On the off chance that we despite everything have confidence in the Big Bang Theory, at that point for what reason is it still a hypothesis and where does all the beginning issue originate from? ‘Our minds work progressively, which starts at the Big Bang and will end, if there is a Big Crunch †which appears to be improbable, presently, from the most recent information demonstrating quickening extension. Cognizance would reach a conclusion at a peculiarity. ’-Stephen Hawking.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The impact of social on the fashion luxury consumer Dissertation
The effect of social on the design extravagance shopper - Dissertation Example tant Facts 32 Figure 7: Age 41 Figure 8: Nationality of the respondents 43 Figure 9: Hours spend on web 44 Figure 10: Profile on informal communities 46 Figure 11: Hours spend on interpersonal organizations 47 Figure 12: media use to follow style patterns 49 Figure 13: why you utilize online networking system 51 Figure 14: How you feel about publicizing via web-based networking media 53 Figure 15: have you at any point bought an item or administration dependent on a promotion on an interpersonal organization 54 Figure 16: which of the web based life advancements you utilize 55 Figure 17: what number of twitter supporters you have 58 Figure 18: what number of individuals do you follow on twitter 59 Figure 19: do you utilize web based life in an official business or expert limit 61 Figure 20: Are you a part or devotee of a brand page on facebook 62 CHAPTER #1: INTRODUCTION 1.1. Review of the examination study: It is accepted that Egyptians were among the pioneers of utilizing extravaga nce style items, as their kin particularly elites were a lot of worried about the manner in which they look, also biases framework was a lot of rehearsed around then. Unmistakable individuals so as to separate themselves with the majority utilized great items which were very much created, and the materials utilized for making these items were of preeminent quality. Anyway with the progression of opportunity different advancements came in this world. That has brought about changing the recognitions and state of this world. Extravagance items which were at first restricted or related with elites are presently being utilized by masses due to riches factor. At present extravagance items are being utilized by various individuals around the globe and extravagance brands are looking for new routes so as to target customers. It was industrialisation and later globalization that has brought about changing the state of the... It is accepted that Egyptians were among the pioneers of utilizing extravagance style items, as their kin particularly elites were a lot of worried about the manner in which they look, in addition partialities framework was a lot of rehearsed around then. Noticeable individuals so as to separate themselves with the majority utilized top notch items which were all around created, and the materials utilized for making these items were of preeminent quality. Anyway with the progression of opportunity different developments came in this world. That has brought about changing the observations and state of this world. Extravagance items which were at first bound or related with elites are currently being utilized by masses as a result of luxuriousness factor. At present extravagance items are being utilized by various individuals around the globe and extravagance brands are looking for new courses so as to target purchasers. It was industrialisation and later globalization that has brought about changing the state of the globe. Things that took incredible measure of time in their makings are presently made in a flash. Different advancements around the globe were completed with quick speed. With regards to organizations these improvements end up being productive, as their items fabricating indicated upgrade and besides their span to the market extended from little urban communities or towns to the remote of the world. In this manner organizations so as to extend and present their brands all inclusive followed different styles and embraced their items through ads and advertising utilizing print media (papers, handouts and so forth) electronic media (radio, T.V and so on).
Wednesday, August 19, 2020
Working With Children And Adolescents Example
Working With Children And Adolescents Example Working With Children And Adolescents â€" Essay Example > AbstractIndividuals encounter various issues during childhood and adolescence, primarily because of situational variability of their behaviors and cognitive inabilities. As explained by various theorists, these issues may develop to haunt or to affect normal functioning of the youths in adulthood if not addressed in time. The current essay relies on issues I faced during adolescence to explore how they will possibly affect my future work as a family and adolescent counselor. The essay explores my adolescence experiences, potential challenges I will encounter as adolescent and family counselor, counseling strategies to use and possible ethical issues under such challenges. Based on life experiences, various counseling strategies I will use include narrative therapy, directed questioning, TF-CBT, and family therapy. Working with Children and AdolescentsIndividuals encounter various issues during childhood and adolescence, primarily because of situational variability of their behavio rs and cognitive inabilities. To a larger extent, behavior in adolescence is a product of the environment, that is, behavior of adolescents is influenced by the context. Various psychological theories have associated this variability with immature cognitive abilities, which limit the ability of adolescents to make right decisions under various social encounters (Hinshaw, 1992). For instance, death of a parent or caregiver may predispose an adolescent to tantrums of anger, sadness, depression, bed-wetting behaviors, and other anti-social behaviors. Moreover, dysfunctional child-parent interactions may give rise to issues of loneliness, isolation, and fear, which may influence the children to engage in delinquent activities as a way to seek comfort and care absent in the family. As explained by various theorists, these issues may develop to haunt or to affect normal functioning of the youths in adulthood if not addressed in time. According to Kazantzis, Reinecke, and Freeman (2009), the major theories that explain development of psychological and behavioral problems over life include the behavioral, cognitive, and psychodynamic theories. Cognitive approaches suggest cognitively distorted views of experiences give rise to faulty patterns of behavior and thinking that eventually predispose people to psychological problems. Based on typology of mind (conscious, preconscious, and unconscious structures), psychodynamic theorists believe that feelings, behaviors, and thoughts that shapes experiences and interactions are the consequences of unconscious conflicts and drives. Behaviorists on the other hand, suggest that behavioral problems are the products of faulty learning during childhood and puberty. Believing that counseling should aim to address specific issues within the child’s environment, every theory put forwards different psychotherapeutic interventions and methods. The current essay relies on issues I faced during adolescence to explore how they will po ssibly affect my future work as a family and adolescent counselor. The essay explores my adolescence experiences, potential challenges I will encounter as adolescent and family counselor, counseling strategies to use and possible ethical issues under such challenges. Identification and Analysis of Relevant ExperiencesIdentification As an Australian female born in 1960, my childhood and adolescence life was full of bad memories, experiences, and events. My mother passed away when I was still a child aged 6 years. I fell pregnant at the age of 15 years, giving birth to a son at 16 years, and a daughter, 2 years later. The father of my children used to drink alcohol, which made him to become abusive at many instances. Following his physical assault, I took my children and left at the age of 19 years. This prompted him to put me through child welfare, claiming that I could not care for the children effectively. This led to endless court proceedings, which have become my worst nightmar es. Various theories, notably psychodynamic, behavioral, and cognitive, can explain the issues that dominated my adolescence period.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
The Tiber River of Rome
The Tiber is one of longest rivers in ​Italy, the second longest river after the Po. The Tiber is about 250 miles long and varies between 7 and 20 feet deep. It flows from the Apennines at Mount Fumaiolo through Rome and into the Tyrrhenian Sea at Ostia. Most of the city of Rome is to the east of the Tiber River. The area to the west, including the island in the Tiber, Insula Tiberina or Insula Sacra, was included in Region XIV of Caesar Augustuss administrative areas of the city of Rome. Origin of the Name Tiber The Tiber was originally called Albula or Albula (white or whitish in Latin) supposedly because the sediment load was so white, but it was renamed Tiberis after Tiberinus, who was an Etruscan king of Alba Longa who drowned in the river. Ancient historians refer to the river as yellow, not white, and it is also possible that Albula is the Roman name for the river, while Tiberis is the Etruscan one. In his History of Rome, the German classicist Theodor Mommsen (1817–1903) wrote that the Tiber was the natural highway for traffic in Latium and provided an early defense against neighbors on the other side of the river, which in the area of Rome runs approximately southward. The Tiber and its god, Tiberinus or Thybris, appear in several histories but most prominently in the first century BCE Roman poet Vergils The Aeneid. The god Tiberinus functions as a fully integrated character in The Aeneid, appearing to the troubled Aeneas to advise him, and most importantly, to prophesy a magnificent destiny for Rome. Tiberinus the god is a rather majestic figure, who introduces himself in a long, long passage in the Aeneid, including: The god am I, whose yellow water flowsAround these fields, and fattens as it goes:Tiber my name; among the rolling floodsRenown’d on earth, esteem’d among the gods.This is my certain seat. In times to come,My waves shall wash the walls of mighty Rome.†History of the Tiber In antiquity, ten bridges were built over the Tiber: eight spanned the main channel while two permitted access to the island; there was a shrine to Venus on the island. Mansions lined the riverside, and gardens leading to the river provided Rome with fresh fruits and vegetables. The Tiber was also a major thoroughfare for the Mediterranean trade of oil, wine, and wheat. The Tiber was an important military focus for hundreds of years. During the third century BCE, Ostia (a town on the Tiber) became a naval base for the Punic Wars. In the 5th century BCE, the Second Veientine War was fought over control of a crossing of the Tiber. The disputed crossing was at Fidenae, five miles upstream from Rome. Attempts to tame the Tibers floods were unsuccessful in classical times. While today the river is confined between high walls, during Roman times it regularly flooded. The Tiber as a Sewer The Tiber was connected with the Cloaca Maxima, the sewer system of Rome, which was said to have been first built by the king Tarquinius Priscus (‎616–579 BCE) in the 6th century BCE. Tarquinius had the existing stream expanded and lined with stone in an attempt to control storm waterâ€â€rain flowed downhill to the Tiber through the Cloaca, and it regularly flooded. In the third century BCE, the open channel was lined with stone and covered with a vaulted stone roof. The Cloaca remained a water control system until the reign of Augustus Caesar (ruled 27 BCE–14 CE). Augustus had major repairs made to the system, and connected public baths and latrines, turning the Cloaca into a sewage management system. Cloare means to wash or purify and it was a surname of the goddess Venus. Cloalia was a Roman virgin in the the early 6th century BCE who was given to the Etruscan king Lars Porsena and escaped his camp by swimming across the Tiber to Rome. The Romans (at the time under the rule of the Etruscans) sent her back to Porsena, but he was so impressed by her deed that he freed her and allowed her to take other of the hostages with her. Today, the Cloaca is still visible and manages a small amount of Romes water. Much of the original stonework has been replaced by concrete. Sources and Further Reading Leverett, Frederick Percival. A New and Copious Lexicon of the Latin Language. Boston: J. H. Wilkins and R. B. Carter and C. C. Little and James Brown, 1837. Print.Mommson, Theodor. The History of Rome, Volumes 1–5. Trans. Dickson, William Purdie; Ed. Ceponis, Daid. Project Gutenberg, 2005. Rutledge, Eleanor S. Vergil and Ovid on the Tiber. The Classical Journal 75.4 (1980): 301–04. Print.Smith, William, and G.E. Marindon, eds. A Classical Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography, Mythology, and Geography. London: John Murray, 1904. Print.
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
“No One Knowingly Does Evil†by Socrates. Essay - 1067 Words
The argument which I am focusing on is titled â€Å"No One Knowingly Does Evil†and is written by Socrates. This argument concludes that those who do evil things do them involuntarily. That is, people do not necessarily want to do evil things, but do them against their will. A very important point is presented by Socrates in that evil deeds are not done willingly. It is thought by many that some people are simply evil-natured and commit evil deeds because they want to. However, Socrates is arguing that this is not true. By doing this, he is going against common thought and presenting a very debatable conclusion. I will evaluate the argument so as to prove it is a legitimate possibility for the conclusion to be true. It will be shown why†¦show more content†¦I think the key to this statement being false is the word â€Å"all.†Sometimes, people want to cause harm to someone else in order to get back at them or to serve justice. If they think they are j ustified, that person would be more willing to commit an evil act. The second premise, in my opinion, is true. I do not think that a person, without outside influence, would simply do something which they do not want to. If it is not something a person wants to do, chances are it won’t be done. Therefore, I think this premise is true. When evaluating the entire argument as a whole, I determined it to be valid. It is logical to move from premise one to premise two and develop the provided conclusion. Even though I believe premise one to be false, the argument is still valid. This is because, if it were true, it would make sense to draw that conclusion from those two statements. The conclusion does not present any new information not given in the premises either. The argument automatically becomes unsound because premise one is false. It is impossible for the argument to be sound by definition. I believe one objection would be that in certain circumstances there are dire needs. That is, someone would do an evil deed because it was absolutely necessary. For example, if a family had been kidnapped, there would be everything done in order to bring them home safely, even if some of it involved a form of evil. ThisShow MoreRelatedThe Philosophy Of Human Nature1140 Words  | 5 Pagesits simplest form, is the ability for one to control one’s own actions. Through the will, the morality of the action is entirely decided by the doer. Augustine professes the will simply permits the doer to do evil. In Socrates’ assertion, free will is contingent on self-control because without it, one can find oneself enslaved to a material thing or desire. Based on reading and prior knowledge, it can be deduced that the only thing that can truly keep one from vice is free will. As Augustine examinesRead MoreAre Socretes Arguments about Death Sound? Essay583 Words  | 3 PagesAre Socrates Arguments Sound? 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Negro Movement Free Essays
Looking back at the history of the culture that has risen from the ashes; one may be quite surprised just how far the African American culture has come. The progression of the African American culture is indeed one to be proud of. From cotton fields to Harlem, â€Å"The New Negro Movement†, sparked a sense of cultural self-determination, with a yearning to strive for economic, political equality, and civic participation. We will write a custom essay sample on The Negro Movement or any similar topic only for you Order Now This was a movement that sparked a wide range of advancements in the African American culture. Leaving footprints of great individuals as well as set a path way for future generations to follow; setting a trend for Black greatness. After the American Civil War there was a spark within the African American culture to diminish the legacy of slavery. It started in 1908, with the development of the NAACP (The National Association of Colored People), which led the fight against racial discrimination. What is known as â€Å"The Great migration†in 1914 was the migration of over 500,000 or more Blacks in a six year period; for industry jobs, and overall better opportunities. Blacks were leaving the South headed North in search for something new. This was the escape they longed for from oppressive living and social conditions that threatened life. New York was one of the more appealing states, considering New York schools prohibited separate schools for African Americans. Therefore, education was also made easier for African Americans. By 1819 Harlem, New York had the highest count of Black people in the world. In 1916-17, Hubert Harrison; whom is considered the father of â€Å"The New Negro Movement†established his first association â€Å"The Liberty League†, along with his first newspaper. During the 1920’s and 1930’s, African Americans expressed themselves through Literature, Art, Music, Drama, Movies, and protest. Mr. Harrison encouraged Blacks to expand and improve through education, awareness, and Afro-centric community programs. With â€Å"The Voice†of â€Å"The New Negro Movement†energized the Black community to demand equality. This was in fact the birth of the Harlem Renaissance. The Harlem Renaissance is the name given to the period from the end of World War I and through the 1930’s Depression era. During this time, there were many great literary works to come about. A group of writers produced a great group of Literature. Some of those writers include: Alain Locke, who described himself as the â€Å"midwife†to aspiring young black writers of the 1920s. In a 1925 essay entitled ‘The New Negro’, Howard University Professor of Philosophy Alain Locke described this transformation as not relying on older time-worn models but, rather, embracing a ‘new psychology’ and ‘new sprit’. Central to Locke’s prescription was the mandate that the ‘New Negro’ had to ‘smash’ all of the racial, social and psychological impediments that had long obstructed black achievement. Six years prior to Locke’s essay, the pioneering black film maker Oscar Micheaux called for similar changes. In his film Within our Gates, Micheaux represented a virtual cornucopia of ‘New Negro’ types: from the educated and entrepreneurial ‘race’ man and woman to the incorrigible Negro hustler, from the liberal white philanthropist to the hard core white racist. Micheaux created a complex, melodramatic narrative around these types in order to develop a morality tale of pride, prejudice, misanthropy and progressivism that would be revisited by Locke and others (Rhapsodies in Black: Art of the Harlem Renaissance (London/California: Hayward Gallery, Institute of International Visual Arts and University of California Press, 1997). Black-owned magazines and newspapers flourished, freeing African Americans from the constricting influences of mainstream white society. Charles S. Johnson’s Opportunity magazine became the leading voice of black culture, and W. E. B. DuBois’s journal, The Crisis, with Jessie Redmon Fauset as its literary editor, launched the literary careers of such writers as Arna Bontemps, Langston Hughes, and Countee Cullen(The Birth of the Harlem Renaissance: History Timeline  Infoplease. com). Additionally, there were other aspects of Black greatness emerging from oppression. â€Å"†¦Through their artistry, the literature of this period helped to facilitate a transformation from the psychology of the â€Å"Old Negro†(characterized by an implied inferiority of the post-Reconstruction era when black artists often did not control the means of production or editorial prerogatives) to the â€Å"New Negro†(characterized as self-assertive, racially conscious, articulate, and, for the most part, in charge of what they produced). Landmark texts that marked this transformation and encouraged increased exploration of African American experience through literature included The Book of American Negro Poetry (1922), edited by James Weldon Johnson and The New Negro (1925) by Locke. The short-lived literary magazine Fire!! (1926) also had a significant impact on the literary production because it represented the efforts of younger African American writers (such as Hughes and Hurston) to claim their own creativity apart from older artists (such as DuBois and James Weldon Johnson), as well as to establish autonomy from potential white exploiters†¦ (Trudier Harris-Lopez, â€Å"Forward†Harlem Renaissance, Volume I. Janet Witalec, project editor. Farmington Hill, MI: Gale, 2003 Call and Response: The Riverside Anthology of the African American Literary Tradition. Ed. Patricia Liggins Hill. New York: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1998). The Spiritual Coming of Age was solely for African Americans to express thems elves and exert self-determination. To have a sense of race pride. White Literary establishments became fascinated and began to publish their works. African American Literature has impacted American culture in an enormous way. Their writings have inspired many African Americans to continue the legacy in Literature. At this same time, the Jamaican-born Marcus Garvey began his promotion of the â€Å"Back to Africa movement. †Garvey founded the Universal Negro Improvement Association and African Communities League (UNIA-ACL), which advocated the reuniting of all people of African ancestry into one community with one absolute government. The movement not only encouraged African-Americans to come together, but to also feel pride in their heritage and race (http://www. biography. com/blackhistory/harlem-renaissance. sp). The Harlem Renaissance was a defining movement within the African American culture. 1929 marked the beginning of the end of the Harlem Renaissance. Due to the economic declines, many prominent writers departed Harlem. Although there was not much time during this period, this era influenced many writers to come. Its great moments in History like this that inspire and influence generations to come. The Harlem riot of 1935 was the final event. The progression of African Americans has come a long way. From slavery to Harlem, and beyond; African Americans have made their mark in History. Shortly after the Renaissance, many came into their own creativity. With the emergences of people like Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. , Malcolm X, Sojourner Truth, the African American culture has gone far beyond what was imagined centuries ago. Many great musicians from jazz era contributed to the mass music frenzy we see today. With great musicians like Duke Ellington and Louis Armstrong, we now have Kenny G, and Boney James. With Poets such as Langston Hughes, and Zora Neale Hurston, we have Maya Angelou, and Gwendolyn Brooks. The Harlem Renaissance has contributed too many great works among African Americans. The African American culture has blossomed in many ways. In the beginning of the 1970’s, African American literature went mainstream, and has continued to do well; moreover, books by Black authors continue today to receive best-selling awards. This also marks the era where African American writings were considered as a legitimate genre of American Literature. The Civil Rights movement made a powerful impression on black voices in the 1960s. Baldwin, whose fiction and essays dealt not only with race but sexuality, family, the ex-pat life, and his childhood in the Church, returned from many years in Paris to participate in the burgeoning movement. Many of Baldwin’s most significant works were written in the 60s, including Another Country and The Fire Next Time (â€Å"African American Literature: History, Crossword, Quizzes, Harlem Renaissance, Civil Rights. †Infoplease.  © 2000–2007 Pearson Education, publishing as Infoplease. 26 Apr. 2011http://www. infoplease. com/spot/bhmlit1. html). How to cite The Negro Movement, Papers
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
The Principles - Potential Issues - and Risks of Revaluation of PP&E Ass
Questions: a). Should KGC Ltd. revalue its major PPE assets from historic cost to fair-market value? (Discuss the principles, potential issues, and risks). b) The PPE is estimated to have a replacement value of $20.5 billion AUD and a value in use of $12.0 billion AUD under current expected operations (i.e. seven years) but rises to $30 billion AUD if the contract is renewed for 10 years in addition to the current seven years and new viable ore bodies are found. What is the True and Fair value of the PPE? (Explain). c) Discuss the merits and risks of KGC Ltd. including a Triple Bottom Line aspect to its reporting approach. d) Discuss the nature of Legitimacy and the importance of KGC Ltd. maintaining legitimacy in the eyes of the traditional land-owners, the government of PNG, and the people of Australia. e) Is the Legitimacy of KGC Ltd. at risk and what consequences may KGC Ltd. suffer if it loses Legitimacy. f) Discuss how KGC Ltd. can restore its legitimacy (include a section on the two types of stakeholder theory in this discussion). g) List the various ways that KGC Ltd. could record the cost of the harm associated with the sludge spill in its GPFS, discuss the pros-and-cons of each method, choose a method and defend your choice. Answers: Part A The principles, potential issues, and risks of revaluation of PPE assets Yes, KGC ltd. should revalue the major PPE assets from historical cost to fair market value. Principle: According to International Accounting Standards 16, PPE assets must be recorded at fair value until and unless the exchange transaction lacks any commercial substance or the fair value of the assets are non-measurable. The revaluation model suggests that the value of PPE should be measured at fair value by deducting the accumulated depreciation and impairment losses from the fair value. Revaluation shall be made to ensure that the materiality is not differed therefore it should be determined by recording fair value instead of historical cost (Europa, 2009). Potential Issues: Recording the assets at fair value signifies the exit value of the assets. Assets recorded on historical cost do not represent the market-based approach rather it is based on entity-based approach. Fair value solves the issue of compatibility between the future cash inflows and cash outflows. The assets recorded on the basis of historical cost lacks the clarity when compared with market assumptions. If the PPE is not recorded on the fair market value then there is likely very less chance of selling those assets (Trinavis-crowehorwath, 2011). Risks: The risk of revaluing the PPE assets are that it would change the entire value at market price rather than recorded realizable value. The amount of depreciation will be altered and the increased depreciation would reduce the profit of the company. However, these risks will incur future benefits in the form of tax reduction and selling of the PPE assets at market value (Don Herrmann, 2006). Part B Estimation of True and fair value of PPE The true and fair value represents the correct statement of the financial position. Within the current expected years of operation, the replacement value has been estimated at $20.5 billion while the amount specified for use is $12 billion AUD. It is expected to increase at $30 billion AUD if the contract related to the PPE assets are renewed for 10 years. In this case, the fair and true value of PPE assets is $20.5 billion. According to IFRS 13, the fair value of PPE assets states the determination of timing when the assets were recognized and further determining the carrying amount. The depreciation charges associated with the assets along with impairment loss is also required to be recognized. The fair value in this case will be determined as the replacement value. As the fair value of the specific PPE assets is missing therefore we will consider replacement value as the true and fair value. Fair value can help the company in exchanging the assets, settle liabilities and willing parties to involve in the transaction. Another recoverable value of the assets is considered by estimating the supply of products and services (Fair value) less the value of use and cost to sell. In this case, the actual fair value is missing therefore it is assumed that replacement value is the Fair and true value. The recoverable amount in such case will be $8.5 billion AUD. Henceforth the information regarding the validity and affirmation of contract is missing therefore the exact fair value can be estimated in this case (GASAB, 2010). Part C Merits and risks of KGC Ltd. including a Triple Bottom Line Triple Bottom Approach accounting has been adopted by profit and non-profit organization. The sustainability framework approach is used by the KCG L to evaluate the performance. TBL approach concentrates on comprehensive investment outcomes. The profits, shareholders value and the return on investments can be calculated on the comprehensive way. The TBL approach is used in KCG Ltd to incorporate the three major dimensions of performance including financial, environmental and social aspects (theconservation, 2014). Following are the merits of using Triple Bottom Line approach: It reduces the risk profile Ensures identification of the cost savings technique and reduces the opportunity cost It provides improved financial and organizational information to the shareholders Aligning the needs of management focus and stakeholders requirement It increases the organization scope towards innovation. It helps in ascertaining the potential way of securing the social licensing It acts as a sound base for stakeholders decision making (Economist, 2016). Risks: Following risks are reported for the application of Triple Bottom Line: The application of TBL approaches is based on ethnocentrism It requires the restructuring and demolition of the corporate environment TBL approach requires an extensive readjustment of the organizational policies therefore uncertain risk might emerge as possible threats (Pondent, 2016). It is corporate oriented technique therefore it is treated as a reductive method as it diverts the business attention from concentrating on its core competencies. Aligning both social and environmental aspects are difficult in real organizational settings (Vivian, 2012) Part D Nature of Legitimacy and maintenance for traditional land-owners, the government of PNG, and the people of Australia The nature of legitimacy exists when the business possess clear and defined chain of management. KGC Ltd possesses clearly defined organizational structure. The person holding an authority possesses the right to perform any assigned task. The legitimacy in accordance to the people of Australia and government of PGC is performed by the KGC Ltd to serve the environmental and social accounting area. The power of legitimacy helps an organization to accomplish the social constructive system by serving the beliefs, values and norms of the society. It directly impacts the financial performance growth and enhancement of the company (UVA, 2006). The KGC Ltd has paid 6 billion amounts to the PNG government in the form of tax whereas $4 million was paid in the form of royalty to the traditional land owners. Also, the company is licensed by the PNG that certifies the firm to operate legally. The company serves the social aspects by employing 3400 employees in its processing plant, offices and PNG mines. The environmental and social liabilities have been fulfilled by KGC Ltd in terms of infrastructural development. The operating and development activities include building of grade schools, hospitals, water processing plants and health centers. Part E Legitimacy of KGC Ltd. at risk and its consequences Yes, the legitimacy of the KGC Ltd. is at risk. For instance, the Christian-animist residents in the New Guinea were agitating for ensuring independence from the Indonesia. There was a possibility of conflicts and military actions due to the association of war tribes and PNG tribes. The irregularities of company in respect of the environment protection have been complained by the people of Australia. Approximately 5 million liters of the oil waste were dumped into the river which was the source of drinking water for the villagers. The complaints went strident and loud when the company defended the misconduct. It was stated that sludge can be flushed quickly out to sea where it would get diluted soon. There are several consequences of the unfair practices conducted by the company. These unfair practices of the KGC Ltd can be negative for the company in the form of deteriorating goodwill. The government might take serious action against the company as the waste generation and dumping i n the sea can significantly affect the natives and adversely affect their health. Also, the company has to bare cost of remediating the sludge spills which is estimated between $6 billion to $ 60 billion. Therefore, the company can incur a loss in terms of expenses and public image. Part F Restoring legitimacy by applying two stakeholders theory The maintenance of legitimacy is very essential in the eyes of the government. To ensure the positivity on the part of government KGC Ltd should try to restore the legitimacy by carrying out best practices to serve the environment (Johnson, 2016). The company should try to serve the interest of the stakeholders and try to retain governmental support to enhance its operation more efficiently and effectively. The company should try to restore its legitimacy by renewing the political strategy. The company should follow the traditional belief, norms and value rational faith followed by the society. The legality must be followed by determining the voluntary agreements on the part of interest party (Tilling, 2004). The discursive legitimacy strategies must be followed by the KGC Ltd. The organization can be treated legitimated only when it perseverance towards the people of Australia and the government is unbiased. It encompasses the psychology, philosophy and sociology of the institutions and actors. By launching the development and reconstruction vision for the stakeholders can allow the company to revive its legitimacy. Restoring the legitimacy is intended to ensure long-term sustainability towards the environment and society. Before taking any action the company should ensure that availability of alternative course of action. It is significant for the organization to identify the difference between actionable legitimacy and institutional legitimacy (Dugan, 2004). The values and morals between the business ethics and organizational management must be maintained by application of Stakeholders theory. The two types of stakeholder's theory are Instrumental and Descriptive theory. The descriptive theory suggests the way how managers deal with the stakeholders to represent their interests (Fontaine et al., 2006). The constellation of interest can be fulfilled by the organization in either cooperative or competitive manner. This theory can be implied by the KGC Ltd in order to deal the divergent stakeholder's interest. The instrumental approach can be utilized for restoring the legitimacy by aligning the corporate governance goals with the stakeholder's management practices(Egels-Zandn Sandberg, 2009). Part G Recording the cost of the harm associated with the sludge spill in its GPFS The cost of harm associated with the sludge spills can be recorded by the KGC ltd in the form of following costs: Remediating cost Clean up cost Offsetting work Fines Expenses These expenses can be met out of reserves and other sources of external borrowings. The harm of processing and mining should be covered by the KGC Ltd. If the sludge spills are not removed then it would result in shutdown of the mining process that would cause loss to PNG and the entire region. The company can treat this cost of harm as either abnormal loss or nonrecurring items. Abnormal loss: it is the loss that is not expected by the business in its operating course of action. The loss that is realized over the normal loss is treated as the abnormal loss in the cost accounting. An abnormal loss is treated in the books of accounts to identify the net output results by deducting the abnormal loss from gross input (Basiccollegeaccounting, 2009). Pros It is a controllable loss and can be recovered if corrective measures are adopted. On the basis of abnormal loss the company can charge the profit and loss incurred in the specific accounting period. Cons It shows the inefficiency of the company to access the bad working condition, environment issues and highlights the carelessness of the company. It is treated as unanticipated loss that can shake the budget of company Non-recurring items: The item that appears on the financial statement and it is unlikely to happen again. It is onetime expense and records the expenses which are generally not encountered in the business course of action. The cost of harm can be treated as the nonrecurring item that would incur lump sum expenses for one time. These expenses are likely to be ignored in the future course of action (Fuhrmann, 2016). Pros Unlike extraordinary items, the nonrecurring items are recognized under IFRS. Nonrecurring items are easy to be recognized and separated to ensure the efficiency of financial statements. Cons It shows the inability of management to ignore the transactions recorded earlier in the form of non-recurring items. It allocates lump sum expenses and amount at specific time. It can put company at risk to meet the expenses occurred due to unusual transaction The selection of appropriate method is depended on the two factors including the management expectation related to loss and the cause of loss suffered by the organization. However, in this case the KGC Ltd should record the cost of harm of sludge spill in its GPFS as an abnormal loss as these expenses have been occurred due to negligence and carelessness questioning the legitimacy of the company towards the organization and environment. References Basiccollegeaccounting, 2009. Accounting Treatment for Normal Loss And Abnormal Loss In Consignment. Don Herrmann, S.M.S..W.B.T.c., 2006. The quality of fair value measures for property plant, and equipment. Accounting Forum, 30, pp.43-59. Dugan, M.A., 2004. Defining "Legitimacy". Economist, 2016. Triple bottom line. Egels-Zandn, N. Sandberg, J., 2009. Distinctions in Descriptive and Instrumental Stakeholder Theory:A Challenge for Empirical Research. Business Ethics: A European Review, 19(1), pp. 35-49. Europa, 2009. International Accounting Standard 16 Property, Plant and Equipment. 16 Septemeber. p.13. Fontaine, C., Haarman, A. Schmid, S., 2006. Stakeholder Theory of the MNC. p.36. Fuhrmann, R.C., 2016. Financial Statement: Extraordinary Vs. Nonrecurring Items. GASAB, 2010. Property, Plant and Equipment. Indian Government Financial Reporting Standard (IGFRS), p.22. Johnson, J., 2016. 5 Types of Power in Businesses. Pondent, C.S., 2016. Disadvantages of Triple Bottom Line Reporting. theconservation, 2014. Explainer: what is the triple bottom line? Tilling, M.V., 2004. Refinements to Legitimacy Theory in Social and Environmental Accounting. p.11. [Accessed 2016].
Tuesday, March 31, 2020
The last supper movie satire analysis Essay Example For Students
The last supper movie satire analysis Essay After having buried 10 conservationists , the students have a garden full of tomatoes proving that conservationists serve great as fertilizers(NOT) and since that in life they served no good to the society from the liberals point of view, in death they can. The students invite the guests with an already planned ending for all of them: death. They are in continuous disagreement with them in order to find something that they , n turn, see as wrong and reason the death of the guest , this taking some of the guilt off their shoulders and considering it a good gets for society . We will write a custom essay on The last supper movie satire analysis specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now At the slightest counter-idea they hurry the dinner and get to the exciting part of it by using phrases such as: its time for dessert . Len the movie ,this is seen in the scene where the anti ecologist gradually considers their point of view as well and starts rethinking; confused of him agreeing to the libertarian point of view, and used to Just having their guests poisoned, the group of students does not break the Sunday ritual and assures the guest( by saying you are entitled to your own opinion) , who comes back to his conservationists point of view. This goes to the original argument :insignificance of life. As the movie progresses the students kill more and more people ;slowly not taking into consideration their status in society , Just their closed-minded ideas. The director stops introducing the guests by their names as they will eventually die;instead, continues by defining(l want to say it in a different way) them by their causes and slowly Just shows the piles of soil that were once their guests. The students decide a matter of life and death by either last questioning the guest : if you were in a bar with a guy called Doll Hitler , would you kill him to save all those lifes or would you let him live? Or its 4 to 1 . He lives. This again, shows the insignificance of life and how little they care for the others and their fate. RACISM (DISCRIMINATION AGAINST BLACKS ) From the very beginning ,Luke is the one who initiates the idea of having the deadly dinner ,even though his colleagues are reluctant. He is also the one to have suggested not to call the police ,and instead Just hide the murder . While he starts off as the most rational in critical situations, he becomes the most irrational ,cruel and quick-tempered ; he is also very sarcastic throughout the movie ( keep them in the kitchen barefoot and pregnant he says to a sex offender they have had as guest) . By the end of the movie he loses control and gets to the point where he is about to kill one of his own mends. THE LAST SUPPER (RELIGIOUS REFERENCE) In the movie, the 5 students are supposed to take the place of the apostles and the guests are Jesus, who is going to be sacrificed. The characters are also given names of apostles Dude,Pauline,Marc,Luke and Pete) The difference is , the roles are reversed, while the apostles are meant to spread the good word of Jesus to other people, they kill him. This could also mean that the students represent only two apostles :Judas(who betrayed Jesus) and Peter (who denies he knows him ) ;While Jesus is aware of his scarification , the guests arent . The guests are also served very good food as it will be their last meal . Unlike most movies where good always wins over bad in the end, The last supper ends by having Norman -(the very conservatism celebrity that is present in short scenes throughout the movie ,watched and critiqued by the students ) killing the 5 students with their own weapon and later describing himself as a humble ,humble servant in his presidential campaign. Why is it being satirized? ) I believe that the director is trying to say that both the right and left wing /wingers can become evil/ harmful when taken to the extreme :extreme conservationists ( the guests) and extreme liberalizes(the students) 2) Another problem I think the director meant to point out how easily people lose their lifes over different causes (like those mentioned in the movie: homosexuality , anti-ecologist, racism). This makes me wonder , Is it really worth it to die for it or to take a life? And When can you say it was right for you to d ecide that someones existence isnt important to the society anymore ? . This argument can be evidenced by history itself. Situations where people have died and been killed because their opinions or way of being did not correspond to the majority are many, hence Stalins saying : If you are not with us , you are against us. Another example is the time of The inquisition (an example Ewing Galileo Gillies scientifically proven idea that the earth revolves around the sun did not correspond to the original statement . N order to avoid imprisonment , he was forced to deny his statement. ) 3) Throughout history , blacks have always been seen as the bad guys with bad intentions . Len the movie , they have chosen the head of the plan ,a black , meaning to make fun of the concept and the stereotyping . 4) Good doesnt always win in the end , especially in the real world is what the directors expressed through their last scene . Corrupted people become the leaders of our countries. Is it effec tive? .ud896fa27935ae2061f70ab40ec194d40 , .ud896fa27935ae2061f70ab40ec194d40 .postImageUrl , .ud896fa27935ae2061f70ab40ec194d40 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ud896fa27935ae2061f70ab40ec194d40 , .ud896fa27935ae2061f70ab40ec194d40:hover , .ud896fa27935ae2061f70ab40ec194d40:visited , .ud896fa27935ae2061f70ab40ec194d40:active { border:0!important; } .ud896fa27935ae2061f70ab40ec194d40 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ud896fa27935ae2061f70ab40ec194d40 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ud896fa27935ae2061f70ab40ec194d40:active , .ud896fa27935ae2061f70ab40ec194d40:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ud896fa27935ae2061f70ab40ec194d40 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ud896fa27935ae2061f70ab40ec194d40 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ud896fa27935ae2061f70ab40ec194d40 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ud896fa27935ae2061f70ab40ec194d40 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ud896fa27935ae2061f70ab40ec194d40:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ud896fa27935ae2061f70ab40ec194d40 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ud896fa27935ae2061f70ab40ec194d40 .ud896fa27935ae2061f70ab40ec194d40-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ud896fa27935ae2061f70ab40ec194d40:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Twelfth Night - Analysis of Malvolio in Act three, Scene four EssayIn my opinion, The last supper is a good movie, with a well-planned plot that is rather a continuous sarcastic response to certain topics such as : discrimination, the unnecessary deaths of people and intolerance. This film made me question my own tolerance of different views; it also made me think of how ,as a libertarian myself do I change the world without imposing my own views. Some minus points , from my perspective, are the repetitive scenes in the dining room of the guests and the students and the rushed through scenes that take place in the middle of the movie.
Saturday, March 7, 2020
Culture of FearWhy Barry Glassners Book Matters
Culture of FearWhy Barry Glassner's Book Matters The unsettling news of the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 was still lingering when another Malaysia Airlines flight was destroyed by a surface-to-air missile over the eastern Ukraine in July 2014. Later that year, an Indonesia AirAsia flight crashed into the ocean, killing all on board. Less than a year later, 150 people were murdered when a pilot intentionally crashed a Germanwings jet into the French Alps. With sensational news stories like these circulating in our media, its no wonder that the dangers of air travel are on the minds of many. Seated on a plane as its engines rev for takeoff, one cant help but think about the possibility of disaster. But truth be told, the risk of flight is actually quite small. The risk of being involved in a crash that results in deaths is just 1 in 3.4 million, and the risk of being killed in a crash a slim 1 in 4.7 million. In other words, you have a 0.0000002 percent chance of dying in a plane crash (this according to data compiled by, covering the years 1993-2012). By comparison, one has a far greater risk of dying in a car crash, while playing American football, canoeing, jogging, cycling, or attending a dance party. Really. Glassners Culture of Fear Thesis Explains Our Misplaced Concerns So, why do we fear the wildly unlikely while many realistic threats go unnoticed? Sociologist Barry Glassner wrote a book about this very question and found that by focusing our fear on non-threats, we actually fail to see the very real threats to our health, safety, rights, and economic well-being that ever-present throughout our societies. More than anything, Glassner argues in The Culture of Fear that it is our perception of the danger of things like crime and plane crashes that has grown, not the actual threats themselves. In fact, in both instances, the risks these pose to us have declined over time, and are lower today than they were in the past. Through a series of compelling case studies, Glassner illustrates how the profit-model of journalism compels media to focus on unusual events, especially bloody ones. As a consequence, Atypical tragedies grab our attention while widespread problems go unaddressed. Often, as he documents, politicians and heads of corporations fuel these trends, as they stand to benefit politically and economically from them. The costs to us and to society can be great, as Glassner writes, Emotional reactions to rare but disturbing events also lead to expensive and ineffective public policy. An example of this phenomenon is Jessicas Law, which requires all sex offenders in the state of California, even if they had only offended once as a juvenile, to see a psychologist before being paroled (previously this happened only if they had offended twice). As a result, in 2007 no more offenders were directed to psychiatric help than had been previously, but the state spent $24 million in just one year on this process. News Media Fails to Adequately Cover Real Threats By focusing on unlikely but sensational threats, news media fail to cover actual threats, and thus they tend not to register in public consciousness. Glassner points out the exceptional media coverage that surrounds the kidnapping of toddlers (primarily those who are white), when the widespread systemic problems of poverty and underfunded, inadequate education, which affect vast numbers of children in our society, go largely ignored. This happens because, as Glassner observes, dangerous trends that have been around for a long time are unappealing to the media they are not new and, so, not considered newsworthy. Despite this, the threats they pose are great. Getting back to plane crashes, Glassner points out that while news media are honest with readers about the low risk of flight, they sensationalize that risk nonetheless, and make it seem much greater than it is. By focusing on this non-story, they divert resources from covering important issues and real threats that deserve our attention and action. In todays world we would be better served by reporting- especially by local news sources- on threats like that to our well-being posed by economic inequality, which is at its highest in nearly a century; the forces that conspire to produce an increasing number of mass-shootings; and the many and varied threats posed by systemic racism to what will soon be the majority of the U.S. population.
Thursday, February 20, 2020
The Real World of Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 3
The Real World of Management - Essay Example the direction of using specific analytical and evaluative methodological tools which can help to identify, promote and evaluate the quality of learning procedures inside organizations. (Easterby-Smith and Araujo 1999). The coming out of the idea of the ‘learning organization’ is covered with that possibly by defining contribution provides a theoretical framework connecting the know-how of living in a circumstance where there is increased change with the consequent need for learning. Loss of the stable state means that our society and all of its institutions are always encountering transformation. We cannot look forward to new constant states that will last for our own lifetimes. We must therefore learn to appreciate, direct, manipulate and manage these changes. We not only have to be in a position to be capable to change our institutions, in relation to the emerging changing situations in the collaborating organization; but must also be in a position to invent and develop institutions which are capable of bringing about their own continuing transformation. (Schon 1973) Efficiency and healthy competition are, by far and wide a function of knowledge generation and processing information about the market, firms and territories are prearranged in networks of production, management and distribution, the core economic activities are global that is, they are capable to work as a unit in real time, or given time, on a environmental scale. (Castells 2001) The Learning Company is a vision of what might be possible. It is not arrived at by simply training individuals; this only happens as a result of learning at the whole organization structure. A Learning organization facilitates the training of all its members and continuously transforming itself. (Pedler et. al. 1991) The international disintegration of production in global value chains, driven by technological progress, cost, access to resources and markets, and trade policy reforms, challenges the way we look
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
AMERICAN THEATER HISTORY Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
AMERICAN THEATER HISTORY - Assignment Example Most importantly, Flanagan ensured that the Federal Theater Project established different units in different states and cities. This paper will discuss the role played by the Federal Theater Project, especially in its series of plays titled Living Newspapers. Moreover, the paper highlighted the significance of the Federal Theater Project to the understanding of American theater in the 1930s. The Federal Theater Project represented efforts by the Federal government to establish an organized presentation and production of theater Wax and events. It served as one of the projects established by President Roosevelt’s administration to provide Americans with jobs. Worth noting is the fact that Americans had experienced the great depression in the 1920s, a factor that saw the collapse of the economic system with many people losing their jobs. For this reason, the Federal Theater Project was established under the Wax Progress Administration as a strategy of providing artists with jobs. The Federal Theater Project sought to bring together actors, playwrights, designers, stage managers, directors, and other artists so that they would count in the public relief roles (About the Federal Theatre Project, 2011). Additionally, the Federal Theater Project sought to present the people with artistic works that would strengthen community life. Worth noting is the fact that the Fede ral Theater Project served its role of providing employment to the people because it hired more than 12,000 artists. In her years of experience, Flanagan had acquired expertise in a unique theater form titled the Living Newspaper. The Living Newspaper theater form made use of common people as significant characters in different plays. The plays introduced existing social and political problems and highlighted potential solutions to the problems (Klein, 2013). The
Monday, January 27, 2020
Communication With Colleagues At Work English Language Essay
Communication With Colleagues At Work English Language Essay Every day at work we have to communicate with colleagues. Well, if people are nice, then communication has friendly character. Unfortunately, this it is not always true. Sometimes, one man can create tensions to the whole team, not only spoil the mood, but also to bring up such unpleasant consequences, such as dismissal. But such people are sometimes enough to learn to communicate properly, and most of the problems will disappear by themselves. The first unpleasant character is a gossip. As a rule, these people exude friendliness that initially influences positioning. But if you submit to this provocation, and tell us about something personal, no later than tomorrow, all your secrets will become public. A friend shared with colleagues his dream: I want to accumulate some money and buy a car. Two days later, when the entire department received bonuses, his bonus was much smaller than the amount of the rest. On the timid questions addressed to the magistrate: Why it happened there wasnt any criticism of my work? Boss was hinted that this employee has a lot of money; because he is going to buy a car. So, before you speak frankly with the person, look at this issue more closely. Another very unpleasant type of people are brawlers. They cannot live peacefully, so as constantly need some enemy, even if it is fictional. Such people are poisoned by the existence of relatives at home and at work colleagues. A quarrel or explanation of the relationship is not needed. It is enough to have one hint, even a look and youre waiting for the next flash of anger. Talking to such people is useless. The best way is to ignore them completely, but not for the effect, otherwise it will be another cause for scandal. If suddenly there appears a brawler and has attention on you, at the outset of the conflict it would be better to pretend that suddenly remembered a very important matter, apologize and leave. Returning 15 minutes later, youll probably see that the brawler is calm and even forgot that he wanted to clarify relations with you. If this method fails, you can try to show such a colleague involved. Usually, its discouraging such people, and they once and for all leave you alone, as they used to feel like winners, and the role of victim does not suit them. According to Peter Clarke (2005), the main purpose of communication between people is to reach mutual understanding. But its not easy to do. Why do some people with us communicate easily, and others difficult? Why with someone we get along, but with someone all the time we quarrel? Clearly, much easier is to establish relationships with the person with whom there is so-called common ground. In the art of communication, it is very important to be able to listen and understand someone with whom you speak. Explaining the people of your intentions and ideas from which you start at the same time, you will be able to prevent many misunderstandings, quarrels and conflicts. Honesty in a conversation with someone it is often the only way out of conflict. But the truth must speak out not to humiliate the interlocutor, but rather to elevate his own in his own eyes and to clarify your position. What hinders and what facilitates communication? Causes of misunderstanding between people can be different: political, religious beliefs, worldview, and psychological characteristics. However, the main reason lies in the inability to hear each other. The most important part of communication is listening skills. If a person listens attentively to his companion, then he is brought up, delves into the problem of the speaker and the like help him properly formulate their t houghts. Communication is a complex process; it is influenced by various factors: mood; set of circumstances; the nature of man; his sociability; conversely; shyness. Depending on the type of communication, formal or informal, it is necessary to choose the right demeanor, tone, gestures, words and expressions. According to Carole Hodges (2009), informal communication is communication at home, with parents and friends, formal at work, while studying, with unfamiliar people. In conversation, we often assume what interferes with understanding. This is the usage of offensive words and phrases, offensive nicknames, unnecessary cuts. Attention signs facilitate interpersonal relationships and can soothe and have a lasting impact. Hello, thank you, please, sorry  these are the simple words have power over our moods. It is important that they are always present in communication between people at work, in public places. So what is the culture of communication? If a person is competent to express his thoughts, then he is able to behave with respect for the other party, we say that this man owns a culture of communication. There are rules, implementation of which helps to establish good relations with people: Communication on equal terms, without being coarse and subservience. Respect for the personal opinion of the interlocutor; Lack of desire to find out who is right and who is to blame; Community-level requests, not orders; Search for compromise solutions; The ability to appreciate the decision of another; Ability to accept the experience of others. If a person does not know how to join in the conversation, you should choose any interesting topic for conversation and the time when the person to whom addressed, not occupied any work. Always remember that the other person is not like you, and we must be able to see things through his eyes, especially in conflict situations. Respect for the individual is impossible without respect for his point of view, even if it does not converge with yours. Cultivation ones respect for the people can only be if you learn to see each person individually, that is, those traits that are unique to him. According to Harriet Meyerson (2005), each of us is worthy of respect. Respecting the other, you respect yourself. Psychologists give good advice, which is: do not forget about the interests of your contact. Your lively and sincere interest in doing what he is interested in, because he will have animation and enthusiasm. There are some important rules of open and honest conversation with inconvenient companion to be aware of both adults and adolescents: use the word I. Since the phrase with the words: From my point of view or The way I see it , you are relaxed in conversation and show the other party that there was only my point of view, no claim to ultimate truth. Thus you will recognize the right to have your own opinion. Surely, you will listen to people a lot calmer and more attentively. Also, trying to show the other person that his conduct is in the first place. In order to create conditions under which an adult would want to change your behavior, you must try to explain how much they lose in life because of his own behavior. There is a possibility also to ask the other person to change behavior. It can be explained to him exactly what he can do in this situation in order to fix it. It is possible that, because you do not want to offend him, it will be quite difficult to tell hi m the truth. But remember: silent, you can cause him harm. Of course, someone can say that such way of building relationships is too long, but it takes much less time, energy and emotions than the communication of action-reaction, because such talk does not give any result. Most often, honesty is the best policy in dealing with people. Its amazing how often we are beginning to communicate with the cunning strategies and tactics while forgetting to try at first just to speak openly. Honest dialogue is the most effective, simple and reliable means for turning conflict into cooperation. Now I would like to elaborate on the concept of informal communication. Each of us has his own experience of friendship at work. Although the prospects for such relationships many consider skeptical. And no wonder! Informal communication between colleagues suggests a greater openness, the ability to strike a balance between personal and work, the adoption of the inevitable differences in the credentials and prospects (the difference in salary levels of access to information, the rate to move up the career ladder). Hard tests for the friendship What do you do? Without claiming to be comprehensive, lets try to answer this eternal question. We must admit that informal communication is an important mechanism that contributes to the relationship between people in any group. Formally, we will call the communication that takes place in accordance with rules, regulations and instructions, existing in your organization or its subdivision and subject to address the specific challenges facing you. Informal communication this is your kind of relationship with another person, based on mutual acceptance of personal qualities and virtues, which implies a certain level of understanding, harmony, psychological closeness. It is in these respects satisfies the need for self-realization within the framework of this work, respect and acceptance. According to Stephen Rampur (2010), informal relationships exist on two levels of psychological closeness: the primary and rational. Primary level represents already the impression with the first contact (long acquaintance is not required, a feeling that you know a person a hundred years). It is characterized by high spontaneity of emotional perception, unawareness and little amenable to volitional regulation. Rational level is based on an understanding of the similarities attitudes, values, norms and life experiences. It occurs at a certain stage of relations with the man, understood and controlled by us. It is believed, that a relationships based on shared values and interests are more stable at work rather than relationships based on likes and dislikes. If you look closely at your existing team of informal relations, they are likely to be secured in one of five forms of interaction: Couple represents the two people that are mutually sympathetic to each other. Often, one of them is a supplement or companion of another. Triangle shows three people sympathizing with each other, and make up his small, yet very close core group. Square can be formed as a collection of pairs, the relationship between them does not necessarily have the same intensity. Chain is a linear relationship between several people, which under certain conditions can become a source of rumors. Star is based on one leader opinion, to whom are approached several members of the team. Each of these forms of informal communication in one way or another arises in any workplace with a specific purpose namely, the best adaptation to its internal rules and laws of existence. According to Jeanne Segal (2007), in every company, as in any formal group, there are informal relations, which largely determine the climate and the internal atmosphere in the team. Thus, friendships at work and at its end, cooperation and mutual help shape a healthy psychological climate in the company and provide a basis for the development of each member organization and collective as a whole. Psychologists believe that friendship is very good for business if the business grows out of shared interests. There is no matter how closely you communicate with people on a personal level, formal relations are sensitive, which cannot be discounted. There is always a risk that one of the friends will show himself as a traitor. Elucidation of relationships, mutual resentment and claims become the property of the whole team. As a result, suffers a general matter, and friendship. But the forecast could be optimistic, if a working friendship follows the main rule to clearly separate personal and business interests. That is why, if you are not sure whether that will be able to muster the necessary tact, and comply with the above restrictions, it is better not to take risks and work with friends in different companies. Taking into consideration mentioned above, I would like to make a conclusion. To be in harmony with yourself and the people around you, you need to create an atmosphere of mutual understanding at work, to build up contacts. Often we get tired, cant avoid conflict situations. Everybody has many reasons to spoil relations with colleagues. We cannot avoid difficulties at work, because difficult, controversial issues will always exist. But we can learn the ability to keep ourselves in hand, to live in harmony with people close to us. What is the basis of art communication and what methods to use? First of all, try to relate friendly to everybody; try to create an atmosphere of comfort among friends and colleagues. Do not transfer your home problems to your colleagues. If you feel stress, or fatigue, use relaxation techniques. Endurance helps to behave you correctly in a conflict situation. In general, avoid emotional showdown, do not engage in protracted disputes. But if a conflict occurs, try not to develop it calmly and analyze what can be done to normalize the situation. Be prepared to compromise for the sake of good relations. In communicating with colleagues, try to be genuinely interested in their affairs, to help when needed. Listen more than talk. Limit the desire to condemn anyone who made a mistake. If you have to solve a complex issue in the service or at home, do not transfer responsibility to others, to develop the habit of self-confident action. Continuing to study the literature on how to work on them, improve their psychological stability. Perhaps this knowledge will help you choose the right course of action, and will contribute to a pleasant chat with colleagues.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Discipline and Punish: a Critical Review Essay
Overview The main ideas of Discipline and Punish can be grouped according to its four parts: torture, punishment, discipline and prison. Torture Foucault begins by contrasting two forms of penalty: the violent and chaotic public torture of Robert-Franà §ois Damiens, who was convicted of attempted regicide in the mid-18th century, and the highly regimented daily schedule for inmates from an early 19th century prison (Mettray). These examples provide a picture of just how profound the changes in western penal systems were after less than a century. Foucault wants the reader to consider what led to these changes. How did western culture shift so radically? He believes that the question of the nature of these changes is best asked by assuming that they weren’t used to create a more humanitarian penal system, nor to more exactly punish or rehabilitate, but as part of a continuing trajectory of subjection. Foucault wants to tie scientific knowledge and technological development to the development of the prison to prove this point. He defines a â€Å"micro-physics†of power, which is constituted by a power that is str ategic and tactical rather than acquired, preserved or possessed. He explains that power and knowledge imply one another, as opposed to the common belief that knowledge exists independently of power relations (knowledge is always contextualized in a framework which makes it intelligible, so the humanizing discourse of psychiatry is an expression of the tactics of oppression).[2] That is, the ground of the game of power isn’t won by ‘liberation’, because liberation already exists as a facet of subjection. â€Å"The man described for us, whom we are invited to free, is already in himself the effect of a subjection much more profound than himself.†[3] The problem for Foucault is in some sense a theoretical modelling which posits a soul, an identity (the use of soul being fortunate since ‘identity’ or ‘name’ would not properly express the method of subjectionâ€â€e.g., if mere materiality were used as a way of tracking individuals then the method of punishment would not have switched from torture to psychiatry) which allows a whole materiality of prison to develop. In What is an Author? Foucault also deals with notion of identity, and its use as a method of control, regulation, and tracking. He begins by examining public torture and execution. He argues that the public spectacle of torture and execution was a theatrical forum the original intentions of which eventually produced several unintended consequences. Foucault stresses the exactitude with which torture is carried out, and describes an extensive legal framework in which it operates to achieve specific purposes. Foucault describes public torture as ceremony. The intended purposes were: * To make the secret public (according to Foucault the investigation was kept entirely secret even from the accused). The secret of the investigation and the conclusion of the magistrates was justified by the publicity of the torture. * To show the effect of investigation on confession. (According to Foucault torture could occur during the investigation, because partial proofs meant partial guilt. If the torture failed to elicit a confession then the investigation was stopped and innocence assumed. A confession legitimized the investigation and any torture that occurred.) * Reflecting the violence of the original crime onto the convict’s body for all to see, in order for it to be manifested then annulled by reciprocating the violence of the crime on the criminal. * Enacting the revenge upon the convict’s body, which the sovereign seeks for having been injured by the crime. Foucault argues that the law was considered an extension of the sovereign’s body, and so the revenge must take the form of harming the convict’s body. â€Å"It [torture] assured the articulation of the written on the oral, the secret on the public, the procedure of investigation on the operation of the confession; it made it possible to reproduce the crime on the visible body of the criminal; in the same horror, the crime had to be manifested and annulled. It also made the body of the condemned man the place where the vengeance of the sovereign was applied, the anchoring point for a manifestation of power, an opportunity of affirming the dissymmetry of forces.†[4] Foucault looks at public torture as the outcome â€Å"of a certain mechanism of power†that views crime in a military schema. Crime and rebellion are akin to a declaration of war. The sovereign was not concerned with demonstrating the ground for the enforcement of its laws, but of identifying enemies and attacking them, the power of which was renewed by the ritual of investigation and the ceremony of public torture.[5] Some unintended consequences were: * Providing a forum for the convict’s body to become a focus of sympathy and admiration. * Redistributing blame: the executioner rather than the convict becomes the locus of shame. * Creating a site of conflict between the masses and the sovereign at the convict’s body. Foucault notes that public executions often led to riots in support of the prisoner. Frustration for the inefficiency of this economy of power could be directed towards and coalesce around the site of torture and execution. Public torture and execution was a method the sovereign deployed to express his or her power, and it did so through the ritual of investigation and the ceremony of executionâ€â€the reality and horror of which was supposed to express the omnipotence of the sovereign but actually revealed that the sovereign’s power depended on the participation of the people. Torture was made public in order to create fear in the people, and to force them to participate in the method of control by agreeing with its verdicts. But problems arose in cases in which the people through their actions disagreed with the sovereign, by heroizing the victim (admiring the courage in facing death) or in moving to physically free the criminal or to redistribute the effects of the strategically deployed power. Thus, he argues, the public execution was ultimately an ineffective use of the body, qualified as non-economical. As well, it was applied non-uniformly and haphazardly. Hence, its political cost was too high. It was the antithesis of the more modern concerns of the state: order and generalization. So it had to be reformed to allow for greater stability of property for the bourgeoisie. Punishment The switch to prison was not immediate. There was a more graded change, though it ran its course rapidly. Prison was preceded by a different form of public spectacle. The theater of public torture gave way to public chain gangs. Punishment became â€Å"gentle†, though not for humanitarian reasons, Foucault suggests. He argues that reformists were unhappy with the unpredictable, unevenly distributed nature of the violence the sovereign would inflict on the convict. The sovereign’s right to punish was so disproportionate that it was ineffective and uncontrolled. Reformists felt the power to punish and judge should become more evenly distributed, the state’s power must be a form of public power. This, according to Foucault, was of more concern to reformists than humanitarian arguments. Out of this movement towards generalized punishment, a thousand â€Å"mini-theatres†of punishment would have been created wherein the convicts’ bodies would have been put on display in a more ubiquitous, controlled, and effective spectacle. Prisoners would have been forced to do work that reflected their crime, thus repaying society for their infractions. This would have allowed the public to see the convicts’ bodies enacting their punishment, and thus to reflect on the crime. But these experiments lasted less than twenty years. Foucault argues that this theory of â€Å"gentle†punishment represented the first step away from the excessive force of the sovereign, and towards more generalized and controlled means of punishment. But he suggests that the shift towards prison that followed was the result of a new â€Å"technology†and ontology for the body being developed in the 18th century, the â€Å"technology†of discipline, and the ontology of â€Å"man as machine.†Discipline The emergence of prison as the form of punishment for every crime grew out of the development of discipline in the 18th and 19th centuries, according to Foucault. He looks at the development of highly refined forms of discipline, of discipline concerned with the smallest and most precise aspects of a person’s body. Discipline, he suggests, developed a new economy and politics for bodies. Modern institutions required that bodies must be individuated according to their tasks, as well as for training, observation, and control. Therefore, he argues, discipline created a whole new form of individuality for bodies, which enabled them to perform their duty within the new forms of economic, political, and military organizations emerging in the modern age and continuing to today. The individuality that discipline constructs (for the bodies it controls) has four characteristics, namely it makes individuality which is: * Cellularâ€â€determining the spatial distribution of the bodies * Organicâ€â€ensuring that the activities required of the bodies are â€Å"natural†for them * Geneticâ€â€controlling the evolution over time of the activities of the bodies * Combinatoryâ€â€allowing for the combination of the force of many bodies into a single massive force Foucault suggests this individuality can be implemented in systems that are officially egalitarian, but use discipline to construct non-egalitarian power relations: Historically, the process by which the bourgeoisie became in the course of the eighteenth century the politically dominant class was masked by the establishment of an explicit, coded and formally egalitarian juridical framework, made possible by the organization of a parliamentary, representative regime. But the development and generalization of disciplinary mechanisms constituted the other, dark side of these processes. The general juridical form that guaranteed a system of rights that were egalitarian in principle was supported by these tiny, everyday, physical mechanisms, by all those systems of micro-power that are essentially non-egalitarian and asymmetrical that we call the disciplines. (222) Foucault’s argument is that discipline creates â€Å"docile bodies†, ideal for the new economics, politics and warfare of the modern industrial age – bodies that function in factories, ordered military regiments, and school classrooms. But, to construct docile bodies the disciplinary institutions must be able to (a) constantly observe and record the bodies they control and (b) ensure the internalization of the disciplinary individuality within the bodies being controlled. That is, discipline must come about without excessive force through careful observation, and molding of the bodies into the correct form through this observation. This requires a particular form of institution, exemplified, Foucault argues, by Jeremy Bentham’s Panopticon. This architectural model, though it was never adopted by architects according to Bentham’s exact blueprint, becomes an important conceptualization of power relations for prison reformers of the 19th Century, and i ts general principle is a recurring theme in modern prison construction. The Panopticon was the ultimate realization of a modern disciplinary institution. It allowed for constant observation characterized by an â€Å"unequal gaze†; the constant possibility of observation. Perhaps the most important feature of the panopticon was that it was specifically designed so that the prisoner could never be sure whether they were being observed at any moment. The unequal gaze caused the internalization of disciplinary individuality, and the docile body required of its inmates. This means one is less likely to break rules or laws if they believe they are being watched, even if they are not. Thus, prisons, and specifically those that follow the model of the Panopticon, provide the ideal form of modern punishment. Foucault argues that this is why the generalized, â€Å"gentle†punishment of public work gangs gave way to the prison. It was the ideal modernization of punishment, so its eventual dominance was natural. Having laid out the emergence of the prison as the dominant form of punishment, Foucault devotes the rest of the book to examining its precise form and function in our society, laying bare the reasons for its continued use, and questioning the assumed results of its use. Prison In examining the construction of the prison as the central means of criminal punishment, Foucault builds a case for the idea that prison became part of a larger â€Å"carceral system†that has become an all-encompassing sovereign institution in modern society. Prison is one part of a vast network, including schools, military institutions, hospitals, and factories, which build a panoptic society for its members. This system creates â€Å"disciplinary careers†[6] for those locked within its corridors. It is operated under the scientific authority ofmedicine, psychology, and criminology. Moreover, it operates according to principles that ensure that it â€Å"cannot fail to produce delinquents.†[7] Delinquency, indeed, is produced when social petty crime (such as taking wood from the lord’s lands) is no longer tolerated, creating a class of specialized â€Å"delinquents†acting as the police’s proxy in surveillance of society. The structures Foucault chooses to use as his starting positions help highlight his conclusions. In particular, his choice as a perfect prison of the penal institution at Mettray helps personify the carceral system. Within it is included the Prison, the School, the Church, and the work-house (industry) – all of which feature heavily in his argument. The prisons at Neufchatel, Mettray, and Mettray Netherlandswere perfect examples for Foucault, because they, even in their original state, began to show the traits Foucault was searching for. They showed the body of knowledge being developed about the prisoners, the creation of the ‘delinquent’ class, and the disciplinary careers emerging. Criticism Theoretical arguments in favor of rejecting the Foucauldian model of Panopticism may be considered under five general headings: 1) Displacement of the Panoptical ideal by mechanisms of seduction, 2) Redundancy of the Panoptical impulse brought about by the evident durability of the self-surveillance functions which partly constitute the normal, socialized, ‘Western’ subject, 3) Reduction in the number of occasions of any conceivable need for Panoptical surveillance on account of simulation, prediction and action before the fact, 4) Supplementation of the Panopticon by the Synopticon, 5) Failure of Panoptical control to produce reliably docile subjects.[9] The first point concerns Zygmunt Bauman’s argument that the leading principle of social order has moved from Panopticism to seduction. This argument is elaborated in his 1998 essay ‘On postmodern uses of sex’.[10] The second argument concerns surveillance redundance, and it is increasingly relevant in the age of Facebook and online self-disclosure. Is the metaphor of a panopticon appropriate for voluntary surrender of privacy? The third argument for post-Panopticism, concerning action before the fact, is articulated by William Bogard: The figure of the Panopticon is already haunted by a parallel figure of simulation. Surveillance, we are told, is discreet, unobtrusive, camouflaged, unverifiable – all elements of artifice designed into an architectural arrangement of spaces to produce real effects of discipline. Eventually this will lead, by its means of perfection, to the elimination of the Panopticon itself . . . surveillance as its own simulation. Now it is no longer a matter of the speed at which information is gained to defeat an enemy. . . . Now, one can simulate a space of control, project an indefinite number of courses of action, train for each possibility, and react immediately with pre-programmed responses to the actual course of events . . . with simulation, sight and foresight, actual and virtual begin to merge. . . . Increasingly the technological enlargement of the field of perceptual control, the erasure of distance in the speed of electronic information has pushed surveillance beyond the very limits of speed toward the purest forms of anticipation.[11] This kind of anticipation is particularly evident in emergent surveillance technologies such as social network analysis. The ‘Synopticon’ concerns the surveillance of the few by the many.[12] Examples of this kind of surveillance may include the theatre, the Coliseum, and celebrity tabloid reporting. This â€Å"reversal of the Panoptical polarity may have become so marked that it finally deconstructs the Panoptical metaphor altogether†.[9] Finally, the fifth point concerns the self-defeating nature of Panoptical regimes. The failure of surveillance states is illustrated by examples such as â€Å"prison riots, asylum sub-cultures, ego survival in Gulag or concentration camp, [and] retribalization in the Balkans.†[9] In their 2007 article, Dobson and Fisher[13] lay out an alternative model of post-panopticism as they identify three panoptic models. Panopticism I refers to Jeremy Bentham’s original conceptualization of the panopticon, and is it the model of panopticism that Foucault responds to in Discipline and Punish. Panopticism II refers to an Orwellian ‘Big Bro ther’ ideal of surveillance. Panopticism III, the final model of panopticism, refers to the high-technology human tracking systems that are emergent in this 21st century. These geographical information systems (GIS) include technologies such as cellphone GPS, RFIDs (radio-frequency identification tags), and geo-fences. Panopticism III is also distinguished by its costs: Panopticon III is affordable, effective, and available to anyone who wants to use it. Initial purchase prices and monthly service fees are equivalent to cell-phone costs. In less than five years, the cost of continuous surveillance of a single individual has dropped from several hundred thousand dollars per year to less than $500 per year. Surveillance formerly justified solely for national security and high-stakes commerce is readily available to track a spouse, child, parent, employee, neighbor, or stranger.
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