Thursday, December 26, 2019
The Tragedy Of Louis And Louis - 1819 Words
It had been three days since the papers released the official statement, and Louis phone had barely stopped vibrating, journalists were barricaded outside of his house, hoping to catch a glimpse of the heartbroken singer, but Louis was anything but. The past eighteen months had been a nightmare, the lies and the deception were tearing Louis apart, his only solace was the fact that he knew it wouldn t last forever, the truth would come out in the end and Louis would be spared from the bullshit, eventually. Apart from a Skype meeting with his manager and publicist, he had been holed up in his house, radio silent, eating junk food and completely ignoring the mess the admission had left behind in its wake. Louis had become quite the†¦show more content†¦the initial. It was Harry. The same Harry who he hadn t spoken to in over a year, and the same Harry who had broken his heart. __________________________________________________________________ Flashback - December 2015 The boys had just performed their last show together on The X Factor before their hiatus was due to start and they were by all accounts totally exhausted. An array of cheers, hugs, and high-fives awaited them as they bounded off the stage, tears in their eyes, feeling quite emotional at the fact it would be a long time they would be together in that way again. After the congratulations and farewells had ended, Louis was in his dressing room getting changed into something that was a little less sweaty and a bit more comfortable when there was a knock at the door, accompanied by a soft, unmistakable voice calling out for him, it was Harry. Come in, just changing, Louis announced to the younger boy and smiled as he entered the room. Harry had changed his clothes since they d left the stage and instead of the bright, floral ensemble he was wearing previously, he now wore a loose pair of jogging bottoms, an unusually plain white shirt and his long hair was scraped back into a lazy bun. Louis eyes met with Harry s as he walked towards him with his arms outstretched. The two boys embraced one another, Louis arms were sliding around the small of Harry sShow MoreRelatedThe Tragedy Of Saint Louis1766 Words  | 8 Pages It seemed just like yesterday, back in the glory days. Back then, nearly two decades ago, life in the Saint Louis area was perfect. Unlike today where Saint Louis is known for its crime and violence, years ago conditions were different, the talk of the town used to be about the Cardinals baseball team, they were once the pride and joy of the city. Constantly in the news after win after win. 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Author’s Identity- Modern European Historian at the University of Bradford Date and Place of Document: France, 1792 Intended Purpose: Follow Louis XVI on his escape to Versailles and the monarchy he left behind. Intended Audience-Read More Louis Braille Essay1437 Words  | 6 Pagesbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Louis Braille Louis Braille was born in the Coupvray, France on January 4, 1809. His mother and father were Monique and Simon Renà © Braille. Louis was the youngest of four other children. Their names were Louis-Simon, Catherine-Josephine, and Marie-Celine. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Louis’ father, Simon Renà ©, was a saddler. He made saddles and harnesses for horses. His father had also been a saddler. Louis family led a simple, ordinary life. TheyRead MoreMy Family And I Have Recently Moved At St. Louis915 Words  | 4 PagesMy family and I have recently moved to St. Louis and we could not be more excited about starting our new life. 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Physical Development of Children - 4170 Words
Unit 5-Understanding the promotion of Physical Development of Children and Young People. Task 1 A-LO1.1-Produce a chart or table containing the following below: Define Growth and Development and describe the stages and sequence of physical development in the following stages: Growth-Process of moving from one stage of life to another, it is also an increase in size. Development-Process of growing or developing. Stages | Sequence of Physical Development | 0-3 Years | At birth children start to develop survival and micro reflexes. They learn simple activities like grasping and sucking.At 3 months they learn how to smile and make eye contact. They learn to show that they are enjoying your company. Children learn how to show elements†¦show more content†¦Emotional development is effected by neglect, separation, lack of love (family) and self harm. Social development is effected by lack of self esteem and secondary socialisation. 0-3 years From the stages between 0-3 year’s children are learning their reflexes, about people around them, how to play alongside others etc. During this stage it is very important that all children get every type development without any problems as this may cause harsh conditions for them in the future. Physical development relates to this stage because children are developing in many ways, such as they are learning how to walk, holding objects, learning about activities etc. They learn about their strength’s, so physical development takes a big part in this stage. Intellectual development relates to this stage because at this stage children learn about the power that the mind has. They learn how to smile and make eye contact. They realise who the main people in their lives are. As they see these people all the time their mind remembers each person and knows that they are the main people that will be taking part in his/her life. Language development is related to this stage because language learning starts at birth. They listen to the speech of those close to them, and startle or cry if there is an unexpected noise. EmotionalShow MoreRelatedPhysical And Physical Development Of Children867 Words  | 4 PagesPhysical development of children correlates to other areas of development, for example, fine and gross motor and results in healthy development of the brain. A teacher should observe and assess the development of the learners’ fine-motor coordination and gross-motor developmental milestones during outdoor play. However, children grow at different rates, which is an indication that a child may regress in a skill or reach a milestone earlier than another. Therefore, teachers should use the developmentalRead MoreThe Physical Development Of Children1739 Words  | 7 PagesThis essay consists of a critique of the major theories in relation to the development of children from birth to three years and if they apply to all children’s development. The physical development of children is explored by Freud. His theory displays children at a very young age, showing interest in their own bodies, as he believes they receive pleasure from exploring their genital area. This sexual fixation is started at infancy when the infant takes nourishment and pleasure from suckling milkRead MorePhysical And Cognitive Development Of Children Essay1473 Words  | 6 PagesPhysical and Cognitive Development in the Children In the book Child Development An Active Learning Approach, it states that the sequence of motor milestones happen in the same way for most babies around the world. This fact indicates that motor development is strongly controlled by our genes, which dictates the expected sequence of the development (page 193). In researching the physical development of children I learned that there are two forms of motors skills. Fine motors skills which use smallRead MoreSupport For Children s Physical Development1796 Words  | 8 PagesUnit 166 - Support others to promote children’s physical development in an early years setting Because of research Physical development is part of the three prime areas of learning in the EYFS, joining Communication and Language and Personal, Social and Emotional Development, these three areas are particularly important for the learning development of the under threes, this will Secure the foundations for future success in all aspects of their life and learning. Early year’s providers and practitionersRead MorePhysical and Motor Development in Preschool Children Essay1042 Words  | 5 Pages Children grow faster during the first 3 years, especially during the first few months, than they ever will again. By 5 months, the average baby boys birth weight has doubled to 16 pounds and, by year 1, has nearly tripled to 23 pounds. The rapid growth rate tapers off during the 2nd and 3rd years. A boy typically gains about 5 pounds by his second birthday and 3 and 1/2 pounds by his third, when he tips the scales at 31 and 1/2 pounds. A boys height typically increases by 1 0 inches duringRead More Physical Development of Children in Middle Childhood Essay1765 Words  | 8 Pagestopic considers what the physical development of children in ‘middle childhood (6-10)’ is, and how their physical needs in the learning environment can be accommodated. The key elements taken into consideration would be the development of motor skills for the selected age group and the influences of the specified group. The benefits of physical activity and the consequences of prolonged inactivity, how a student’s development can be facilitated or restricted through development in other areas with theRead MoreThe Emotional, Social And Physical Development Of Young Children2338 Words  | 10 Pages The emotional, social and physical development of young children has a direct impact on their development and adult they will become. Hence, the importance of understanding and the need to invest in very young children to maximize their future well-being is essential. Research in Neurology show that early childhood is a critical period in brain development. Babies begin very early their learning about the world around them, from the prenatal period, prenatal (immediately before and after birth)Read MorePhysical Development in Children Ages 3-71936 Words  | 8 PagesTeaching and learning in Schools Assignment 1 Physical Development between the age range of 3-7 years olds Physical development provides children with the abilities they need to explore and interact with the world around them. It is also about improving the skills of coordination, control, manipulation and movement, although the age at which they achieve them may differ from child to child. The physical development of young children must be encouraged through the provision of opportunitiesRead MoreEffects of Technology on the Cognitive and Physical Development of Young Children511 Words  | 2 PagesAs our generations and technological world has vastly began to develop and expand rapidly, a repeated debate of whether technology use for young babies and children is beneficial or harmful to the physical and cognitive development of the child. As research has taken place to determine more answers around this topic, experts and parents from all different generations cast their opinion on the matter. Research in New Zealand states that ‘Almost one in five of the 2-year-olds in the study were alsoRead MoreImportance Of Vaccination On Children s Physical And Cognitive Development1697 Words  | 7 Pagesarticles Qualitative or Quantitative? Bloom, D, Canning, D, Shenoy, E 2012, The effect of vaccination on children s physical and cognitive development in the Philippines , Applied Economics, 44, 21, pp. 2777-2783, Business Source Complete, EBSCOhost, viewed 19 May 2015. 1. Identify the: (i) Title of the article ‘The effect of vaccination on children’s physical and cognitive development in the Phillipines’ (ii) Author(s) of the article (Note: surname will suffice) Bloom, Canning and Shenoy
Monday, December 9, 2019
Information On Puerto Rico Essay Example For Students
Information On Puerto Rico Essay Puerto Rico has went from an island on the outpost of civilization, to a principle port which was the center of trade. The words Puerto Rico means Rich Port in its native tongue, Spanish. Although Puerto Rico is a U. S. territory, it remains true to Mexico. The island has many historic sites. The fort El Muero means The Rock in Spanish. El Muero went from a simple tower looking out to the sea to a huge fortification that covers 400 acres. Up until 1787, the tower grew proportionately in size and has also been bombarded by the US during Spanish-American War. Another fort on the island is the Castillo de San Cristobal (The Castle of Saint Christopher). The fort has many sentry boxes along its outskirts but non as noted as the Devils Sentry Box. The box was thought to have spirits that visited the guards and took them away, but the conclusion was that the box is so close to the rocks that the guards deserted their post. Ponce de Leon was Puerto Ricos first governor and founded the island. When he landed he exclaimed Que Puerto Rico! meaning What a rich port! Ponce also had El Casa Blanca (the white house) which contains a throne room, dungeon, armory, wine cellar, and didnt meet the fortification requirements so it had a fort built around it. In the countryside of the island there are limestone formations that form mountains. The underwater rivers form large sinkholes which provide a crater that supports the largest observatory in the world. The dish covers approximately 20 acres. El Yunque Rain Forest covers about 2800 acres of Puerto Rico and is named after the Indian god Yunquio. El Yunque is the only rainforest in the U.S. and has 68 different types of birds, 100 types of plants, 200 types of trees, and 250 different types of ferns.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Specialty Toys free essay sample
Specialty Toys Specialty Toys, Inc. , sells a variety of new and innovative children’s toys. Management learned that the preholiday season is the best time to introduce a new toy, because many families use this time to look for new ideas for December holiday gifts. When Specialty discovers a new toy with good market potential, it chooses an October market entry date. In order to get toys in its stores by October, Specialty places one-time orders with its manufacturers in June or July of each year. Demand for children’s toys can be highly volatile. If a new toy catches on, a sense of shortage in the marketplace often increases the demand to high levels and large profits can be realized. However, new toys can also flop, leaving Specialty with high levels of inventory that must be sold at reduced prices. The most important question the company faces is deciding how many units of a new toy should be purchased to meet anticipated sales demand. We will write a custom essay sample on Specialty Toys or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page If too few are purchased, sales will be lost; if too many are purchased, profits will be reduced because of low prices realized in clearance sales. For the coming season, Specialty plans to introduce a new product called Weather Teddy.This variation of a talking teddy bear is made by a company in Taiwan. When a child presses Teddy’s hand, the bear begins to talk. A built-in barometer selects one of five responses that predict the weather conditions. The responses range from â€Å"It looks to be a very nice day! Have fun†to â€Å"I think it may rain today. Don’t forget your umbrella. †Tests with the product show that, even though it is not a perfect weather predictor, its predictions are surprisingly good. Several of Specialty’s managers claimed Teddy gave predictions of the weather that were as good as many local television weather forecasters.As with other products, Specialty faces the decision of how many Weather Teddy units to order for the coming holiday season. Members of the management team suggested order quantities of 15,000, 18,000, 24,000 or 28,000 units. The wide range of order quantities suggested indicates considerable disagreement concerning the market potential. The product management team asks you for an analysis of the stock-out probabilities for various order quantities, an estimate of the profit potential, and to help make an order quantity recommendation. Specialty expects to sell Weather Teddy for $24 based on a cost of $16 per unit.If inventory remains after the holiday season, Specialty will sell all surplus inventory for $5 per unit. After reviewing the sales history of similar products, Specialty’s senior sales forecaster predicted an expected demand of 20,000 units with a . 95 probability that demand would be between 10,000 and 30,000 units. Managerial Report Prepare a managerial report that addresses the following issues and recommends an order quantity for the Weather Teddy product. 1. Use the sales forecaster’s prediction to describe a normal probability distribution that can be used to approximate the demand distribution.Sketch the distribution and show its mean and standard deviation. 2. Compute the probability of a stock-out for the order quantities suggested by members of the management team. 3. Compute the projected profit for the order quantities suggested by the management team under three scenarios: worst case in which sales = 10,000 units, most likely case in which sales = 20,000 units, and best case in which sales = 30,000 units. 4. Provide your own recommendation for an order quantity and note the associated profit projections. Provide a rationale for your recommendation.
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